The thick skin and I don't mean the Cuban judge.
Zigor Etxeburua Urbizu @ZEtxeburua 2021eko ekainaren 26a

A thick skin with a toga from the branch of the Spanish Colonial Justice in Bilbao has resolved that the Basque Country cannot be a public working condition to form a job exchange of local police officers in the City Hall of Irún. Of course, he has not had to mention either, because we have it established, what we all know: that all the officers of the Municipal Police have to know Spanish. Spain’s oppression of the Basque Country and the Basques is similar to that expressed aloud.

"The regionalist right, which has been governing the CAV for over forty years (on what, for you), has appeared in fear saying that the judge is against the rules"

The regionalist right, which has been governing the CAV for over forty years, has appeared in fear, saying that the judge is against the rules. Few have remembered, however, that this same regulation allows that not all new public employees have to know Basque, except Iñigo Urrutia: “We need a clearer legal declaration than the current one; that in black it should be known that in order to work in the public service we must know the two languages, the Basque language and the Spanish language.”

In any event, it has become accustomed to the PNV clarifying, on an exceptional basis or with deferment, the rules supposedly laid down on paper. For example, promoted by EH Bildu, included in the Law of Local Entities the need for linguistic evaluations of urban projects, in order to protect the most Euskaldunes areas. Well, in Añorga, one of the Euskaldunes of Donostia (61%), the PNV will add 637 inhabitants to the current 2,247 years old, with 248 new homes, under a linguistic evaluation that has resolved that it will have no linguistic impact. Where's the trap? The report does not analyse the impact on Añorga, but the whole city.

The same mayor, without having to take the cube out of that judge, has taken advantage of a Basque planning exception that can only be used in cases of force majeure, to decide, for the second time in this legislature, that some strengthening agents that will be taken to meet the added obligations of each summer will not have to know Euskera. You need skin instead of solving something that happens every year, an exception to take advantage of it so shamelessly.
But how bad a Cuban couga (ironik mode on) is.