Toxic masculinity
Aritz Galarraga @aritzgalarraga 2021eko ekainaren 15a

I threw the stone and held my hand: when I talked about the average life of the individual, which is about 80 years old, I said that men's life was always smaller, citing one of the main causes that I think can be: harmful masculinity. In other words, besides biological factors, a masculinity based on leave, violence, toxicity can shorten the lives of men. There will be more intuition, OK, because research shows one thing and the opposite. But the motivation of this pillar is not precisely to establish the cause of life expectancy, but to speak of a form of masculinity, to criticize this form of masculinity, to show that there are alternatives to this form of masculinity, which are even healthier.

Because, don't think about it, masculinity has often been a source of conflict for me. What we can call hegemonic masculinity: I speak humbly, I don't care to move away from one another, I'm totally indifferent to money, I'm only interested in cars to move from one place to another. And I've gone through the locker rooms of the burlaize football teams, the box office of my back. Of course, I'm a penis -- not everyone sure Norwegian -- I'm a read man. And I have privileges that are the result of that reading, I take advantage of them – sometimes in the opposite direction. But that hasn't stopped me from starting to wonder what it is to be a man, to try to identify, problematic, to desire, to keep looking for a healthier masculinity, the social and cultural things that build virility. For example, reading Ivan Jablonka, his generic autobiography, the gender autobiography, Un garçon comme vous et moi. And what is the conclusion at the moment: that we still have a lot of work to do, not just parity, but the situation that I would like most to achieve, not especially binary.