Itxaro Borda 2021eko ekainaren 03a

Two weeks ago, the Polish sarcastic broadcast was held on TV in Year 15. In Catalonia, in Spain and in the only ones, the life and political events of Euskal Herria are intertwined with enthusiasm, without vague or fear in the mouth. They've all happened. Presidents of the Generalitat, Reyes de España, Rajoy and Sánchez, Macron, ordinary citizens, deputies, writers, of ETA in 2011, Patxi López and Iñigo Urkullu as well. It has a bump that I see every week. It always gives me an exciting laugh.

I followed the psychodrama of the independence vote day of October 1, 2017 between the excitement and the truffle of Poland. The sketches are agile, but they have a huge background, especially when they deal with the initiatives of Catalan politicians. Some people suffer painful laughs, but we see that in the Mediterranean region there is a self-exerting power that we do not have in these dry Atlantic. Basically, the creator and bearer of Toni Soler Poland, in an interview, reveals that they speak of the favors of politics.
That latx scream does well. Dates.