Freedom, rights and other plants
Jose Ignazio Ansorena 2021eko maiatzaren 28a

A few years ago he brought the old fishermen's song to the following pages:

We have asked the Mayor
of this
people for freedom and we have
come today to make people happy.

When I first heard it, I, the teenage boy of Franco's dark times, thought of it as a subversive speaker. But freedom was more common: in municipalities special permission was obtained through payment. Ticket to go from juerga without fines to small hours. Nothing to do with today's habits: until 24 o'clock at night. Until the middle of the twentieth century, the requirement for these permits was extended in some localities.

"Rights are like plants or small children, you have to take care of them every day, in caress, because otherwise they are easily lost"

Therefore, the sacred word was quite low. They have taken it further down in the motto that has achieved so much success in the last elections in Madrid. We've become a fake idol and we've seen a lot of people worshipping him.

I listened on television news to the statements of a young man who participated in the Spanish State's slowdown celebrations at the end of the alarm situation: “Our grandparents and our parents were also parked as a young man. We also have the right.” The young man needed a PhD thesis in history.

The rights of people or groups are not written in the sky in big bright letters, so that we all see them and accept their force majeure. Rights are cultural, historical constructions. Often obtained with the work, sacrifice and generosity of many people. Earned for years in Sarriegi prison or absurd deaths. Democracy itself in all its variants is cultural creation.

Rights are like plants or small children, you have to take care of them every day, in caress, because if they are not easily lost. In the era of stone, the powerful gave the weak the cheese and dominated it, making it a servant. An example of what happened to women. They continue to be very similar in many parts of the world. Here too, even if it is done in a disguised way.

People are very changing, especially when fear or vanity invades us, and on the big side we leave a very narrow slice to smart thinking. That's why it's very easy to provoke spasmodic movement in what's amassed with flour from our defects and it's called mass.

When the leaders of society begin to do so, they are deceiving themselves, they are becoming pureros. They don't deserve to mark our way, it's too risky. Today, we may not realize it. But after tomorrow we will cry and then we will accuse others of guilt.