Look, May is coming... and it's coming.
Karmelo Landa @karmelolanda 2021eko maiatzaren 12a

Spring is a winter in politics often, unlike what happens in nature. How many political springs has damaged the ice! In one of them, the wave of the tip of the right freezes the heart to those who until then lived in the hope of the results of the most proactive government in “History”. On the other hand, the strong popular movement for independence looks unthinkable, despite the electoral majority, the spectacle of the political representatives who intertwine in the internal ranks and clash with each other. In the third, the figure of the local government, which had the reputation of being an excellent manager, is very different from that of the governed suffered. The perception of a government that loses economic and social control prevails.

Why do we not stabilise and develop the political spring in our country? What maturity do you lack to reach a summer?

"The failure of the Spanish State Reform Program is credited when Pablo Iglesias leaves government"

In the three cases cited, each process has its peculiar characteristics; in the first, the coalition government of the Spanish State, thanks to the support it received since its birth and to the merit of the concrete agents involved in the composition of the government, assumed a strong promise of the spring. Instead of the typical very cracked Spanish socialist leaders, the renewed branch of Sanchez and Podemos, which was even further on the left, met in the coalition. The possibility and strength of the changes also existed when the Spanish right was disoriented and corrupt. But they haven't used either the force or the opportunity when there was a need: In their conflict with Catalonia they have not been able to offer anything beyond what all the governments of the Spanish State have always done. At the time when the monarchy was in serious crisis,

Not even a step towards opening the path of the Republic. Neither change the labor market, nor try a new policy of renting the homes, nor a fiscal reform… The speeches against the right, but firmly consolidating the bases of the State on these central issues. Beyond the
crisis of the coalition government itself, the failure of the reform program of the Spanish State becomes evident when Pablo Iglesias leaves the government. What we see below is, after an excessively short spring, the arrival of the eternal winter.

In the case of Catalonia, it is already evident that the direction of such a substantial, serious, profound and decisive process cannot depend on a specific aspect, in this case quite strange and changing interpretations of the CKD. The level of mobilization and organization of citizenship in Catalonia, on the one hand, and the steps towards the goal of independence, on the other, now require strong and profound strategic agreements. Without them there is no point in rehearsing artificial coalition governments. If we do not want to make the leap again from spring to winter.

What is happening in the Basque Autonomous Community and even in the Basque Country as a whole? The myth of the good manager falls from the ground to the Urkullu government: in a crisis situation, serious decisions must be taken and not be able, begging Madrid. In infrastructure, all the governance projects in the hole. In industrial policy, the consequence of always saying mothers to entrepreneurs, beyond Zaldibar, is a clear “real government in the shadow” of Tubacex, Euskaltel, BBVA, Iberdrola, Petronor and so on. The Urkullu Government has lost control of command in the midst of a serious social crisis.

Strong governments are needed to achieve clear objectives here and there.