Songs in the wounds
Uxue Apaolaza Larrea 2021eko apirilaren 01

The songs of our lives are often not chosen by us. They're introduced in moments, like the unknown pedestrians in the photos. Ignoring the anniversary of the lockdown, when a song I didn't want to hear has given a slap in my pragmatism. I was being despised by a song full of words that I don't think: “What beautiful is going to be.”

"Sometimes there are no knives more rigorous than the memory of happiness."

Aware of the privileges that I accept to my watchtower, I have moved the rabbis, I have drawn the mines in the others, and in the confinement I was the sociocultural animator of my son, artisan of cardboard toys, cook, dependent, I thought I was able to fulfill my work commitments and I limited everything to an epic passage in my mind, smiling, flowery dresses, bedroom. Ready, closed.

The song has slipped through a Youtube curve, and I've been shocked by the first notes, the images, that look very old. And I can't stop crying. In my head, I see my two-year-old jumping in bed, yelling, "That, that!", "Don't take away!", in the middle of his 45-square-meter world, happy. Sometimes there is no knife more sharp than the memory of happiness.