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What the Plika brought

Travel (h)exercises | Oihane Zuberoa Garmendia Glaria | Denonartean, 2020.

The jury of the Poetry Contest City of Lruña has met at the headquarters of the Ateneo Navarro in Pamplona. Mrs. Inés Castiella Imaz, D. Unai Pascual Loyarte and Spokesman for the Ateneo Navarro and D. Josu Jiménez Maia, unanimously decided to award the first prize of the 18 papers presented to the prize. Open the essay, the author is: Oihane Zuberoa Garmendia Glaria. In the opinion of the members of the jury, this is a collection of poems at the level of language, with freshness and classical culture, which leads us to an initiatic journey, designed to generate diverse reflections and with well-united paradoxical feelings”.

Presented in the rarest way yesterday, the Voyage (h), which bears an uncharming title, could have been the umpteenth work of a literary contest, but here Oihane Zuberoa Garmendia Glaria (born in Roncal, where if not, in 1993) has seemed to us what was expected and what was expected, soft and robust. She also says: “The mountain is very different;/ when you look at it./ Sometimes the codend is inert, sometimes the wind is flawed.”

The journey (h)exercises is realistic, fictitious, what is it? It turns the poem into a daily laugh and brings prose to the Grecolatinos. The thing is, it goes into the reader's mind as an arrow and doesn't say anything special unless it's told. With fairly simple forms it shows immense depths, and therein lies its merit: it is as entertaining as instructive and delicately strong. “It’s the muse/ getting out of bed,/ it’s the tool for making coffee and/ or starting to write.”

It entertains itself in the aphorisms and gets stuck in the rhymes and the sonorities of words, and it has a escapist tendency, especially to an idealized Greece, which often doesn't do the poem well, but I still write with the hard mouth of the book, and that's a good sign. This friendly poem without great ups and downs, the Travel exercises (h), are some of the exercises related to the rope. They are fearful inwardly about small things and they die humbly, seeking in a small island of the Aegean the explanation of all continents.

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