The mayor of Bilbao says that the hospitality industry is not to blame, that we are to blame. To hear that from “us” by your own mouth and... Who? Rulers? From the PNV? Those who make decisions? No, when they say “we” they mean “you,
citizens.” We've been put into the prize game. Infantilized society: if you suffer well, reward; when you behave badly, punishment. Even if that mistake was the mere fact of following his orders.
They knew it. They knew what had to happen at Christmas. Since then, hospitals are covering all COVID-19 infections that may have been produced and infected. It was not a dichotomy between economics and health, but to stay right in front of citizens. Political calculations ordered us to start with the gift of prizes at Christmas.
Eating or dining around a table without a face mask had only one possible outcome: if one was infected, spread it to others. Therefore, the only possible message was not to add six or ten. Punto.Cuando experts
put these kinds of recommendations on the table, the authorities reply that “citizens will not understand it”. But we understand it well, we like it, it's something else. And the PNV also understands that its challenge is to reach the end of the pandemic with the least wear and tear possible, as the myth of good managers is falling.
They knew it. They knew what had to happen at Christmas. Since then, hospitals have been filling out all the contagion and contagion infections."
Less bad than many citizens have been more sensible than the rulers. We have heard a great many, from the media, no, this year from home and it is already there. And in the meantime, explaining to the government spokesman that he had to meet with his parents and in-laws, believing that a model was being given.
After what happened, we heard Zupiria saying “we take on, we take on” the decisions made. What does this mean? With what conclusions? The dead that you have generated with these political decisions also have to be taken, do you have to “assume” them? And when will he resign? If it is not that when they say “we take on” they mean “we knew it, we did not care and we did not care.”
You told people it was like this, and people thought it was like this. Oh my God! Many have been led to believe that decisions are made by a technical-scientific team. And as if it wasn't enough, as if false security, handwashing, not putting anything to share in the center of the table or not singing, could prevent it. How many are not going to turn their heads to see if their brother is dead or dying, if they did all right?
REMENTERIA says that it is not time to seek guilty parties. Because he knows perfectly well what is happening in day centres and in residences. In the first wave, workers and users of the company collapsed implacably in the area. I am not going to ask you now to face up to a situation that nobody expected. However, already in the third wave, we could talk much more about what is happening in the residences and day centres managed directly by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia. A simple example: a single surgical mask for the whole day. No FFP2, nothing. A simple surgical mask! Also, imagine how the face mask is after the first user shower in vapours. PRESIDENT. — The next item is the joint debate on the following motions for resolutions: He also has to take care of all the dead and the sick, not the partner?