And always from the same place: the financial institutions, the Bank of Spain, the Independent Tax Liability Authority (AIREF), the Employers and their media terminals… The main responsible are in the top positions of the best salaries and have never supported the SMI pay.
The possibility of a 0.9% rise in the SMI is now being discussed, and the arguments of those who claim it will bring the disaster have already been heard. Last year this aid was increased from EUR 900 per month to EUR 950 in fourteen instalments. The Bank of Spain then warned of the risk of “125,000 workers losing their jobs”, while the AIREF announced the destruction of 80,000 jobs. A lie, nothing like that happened, on the contrary, it seems that job creation accelerated until the advent of the pandemic.
The Union of Professionals and Self-Employed Workers of the Spanish State, which brings together more than two million workers, has pointed out that raising the SMI to 1,000 euros a month in the economy of families would be very important and would generally be 1.4 billion more.
Governments, parties and trade unions will have to work to make the SMI grow progressively, so that the prophets of the catastrophe do not emerge victorious. If we distribute the SMI in twelve pages, the Spanish State ranks thirteen in the world ranking, with EUR 1,108, far ahead of the French State (EUR 1,539), the United Kingdom (1,583), Germany (1,584), Belgium (1,625), the Netherlands (1,680), Ireland (1,706) and Luxembourg (2,142). If we want to set aside inequalities, the SMI should be similar across Europe. But we're way too far away.
Hastings (England), 1066. The army of the Duke of Normandy I of Gil conquered the troops of King Harold II and conquered the throne. Gil's conqueror I was king until 1087.
In this reign after the Norman conquest, the rebellion organized uprising, effective administration and the... [+]
Rent 338 euros or buy 119,000 euros. This is what a woman between 18 and 44 years old can afford on average to live on her own in the CAPV. In any case, since the housing reserve will not exceed 30 per cent of the income. They are data from the Basque Government, and, as they... [+]
I have been talking to a colleague of all the aids to reduce the ‘digital divide’: from the private sector, from Europe, from the state, from the government… Among the quotation marks I place the digital divide, as many problems that existed before its implementation are... [+]