Of existence
Castillo Suárez @casti_suarez 2020ko abenduaren 24a

The leaders of the Durango and Euskaraldia Fair have made a positive assessment of the results. I will not doubt that optimism, I will not deny that being able to do is a reason for satisfaction, but I believe that the level of demand was far below us. And it is

"Despite having the house full of books, I haven't bought a single book in Durango, nor a single book. I used to buy a few books there, although I used to go almost every day.

one (good) thing that the pandemic has brought, that is, we look with a clearer eye at the accomplishments, however small they may be. I'm not the best example of anything. Even though the house is full of books, I haven't bought a single book in Durango. I used to buy very few books, although I went almost every day to meet friends and acquaintances. I bought the books as always, directly in the village, in the capital and in the publishing house. I haven't connected to streaming activities. I stayed with Miren Agur Meabe in a restop to give me his book. I was brought to a meeting by Mikel Sotorena. I'm a book reader as an objector. But I don't easily forget where and with whom I got them. They are often an excuse to join others. Surely that's why I haven't bought anything in the DA this year. And I say this with remorse, because, as Harkaitz Cano says, there are people who only exist at the Durango Fair. And without them, in part, I don't exist.