The show, created and directed by Carlos Rodríguez and Asun Lasarte, features the musical direction of Alberto Lizarralde. Piano, gamba viola, voice: Sorkunde Idigoras. Guitar, violin, mandoline, choirs: Arkaitz Miner. Saxo baritone and soprano: Josetxo Silguero. Nyckelharp, violin, choirs: Xabi Zeberio. Singers: Beñat Axiary and Lide Hernando. Dance: Amaia Elizaran.
The session will be opened by dancer Elizaran, who will also close it, with the company of musicians. It has offered us arches as elegant as the San Telmo vault, mixing paused movements and spasms. It grows to the rhythm of music, imagining the rise of the tree. In the background you can see the Tree of Gernika, but beyond the tree Elizaran has offered us the most open, elegantly rounded hands.
Iparraguirre 7:
22 November.
NoN: San Telmo Museum of Donostia.
The whole band has gone from the most ambient music to the first version, Gora Euskera! offering it in a magnificent zortziko. At a time when we are importing modern candles from all over the world, they have offered a dancing and frenetic rhythm with a long tradition in our environment.
We already know that we did not come to a simple act of tribute to Iparragirre. Miner will make atmospheres with distorted guitars, Silgero will move with his saxo piano strings, Idigoras with his viola will take bass and Zeberio will guarantee a more traditional touch. Among the musicians, Silgeiro's melodies excel above the rest, filling the room with strength and beauty. But for Silgeiro to have this freedom, the other three had to be grounded. Subtle and fine.
It was already known beforehand that Axiary’s wild and moderate improvisation would shock us in the voices. The Basque tradition and the vanguard compass is that of Donapaleu, and although its acceptance is lower than it should, it has been shown to have an exaggerated level.
Along with him, Lide Hernando, the youngest of the musicians, has played a difficult role alongside the giants. The force of his voice is known in the Liher group, but this scene is very different. For, as always, he has left our mouths full. Axiary gets to be small in a piece as moving as the one I've been told by civilians. Each session will be different, but here you cannot do better.
In the event of a hole in the act, this has been the format. The average age is around sixty years, not very consistent with the aesthetic and musical renewal of the proposal. There will be more sessions, and maybe it's easier to reach other audiences. It is a beautiful attempt to project the past in the future. Remembering Oteiza's reers: looking back to advance.
Photos of Morgancrea:
Itoiz, udako sesioak filma estreinatu dute zinema aretoetan. Juan Carlos Perez taldekidearen hitz eta doinuak biltzen ditu Larraitz Zuazo, Zuri Goikoetxea eta Ainhoa Andrakaren filmak. Haiekin mintzatu gara Metropoli Foralean.
Olaia Inziarte
Panda, 2024
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Narrator: Kepa Errasti.
Programme: Works by Britt and Beethoven.
Place: Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Donostia.
Day: 2 January.
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Chulería, fuck!
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WHERE: At the Kafe Antzokia in Bilbao.
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Autoproduction, 2024
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Where: Bilbao in the Arena.
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