5G I'm against 5G
  • Well, I'm against 5G. And I write knowing that in these times the coronavirus is very committed to these kinds of claims. But here's the thing. I'm against 5G. There are four arguments that I mainly use when I speak against 5G: growth, social justice, connectivity gap and privacy. As you can see, health is not one of the arguments. No. I don't think electromagnetic radiation is an invisible enemy. However, I recognise that I have read what some potential experts say. (The content extracted from the Weekly was previously published by Dabid Martínez in the blog Leihotik ihesi de Argia, divided into four sections)
Dabid Martinez 2020ko abenduaren 09a
"Telefono mugikor bat erosten dugun bakoitzean, esklabotasun egoera sustatzen ari gara kolapso bidean edo kolapsoan dauden zenbait herrialdetan", dio Dabid Martinezek.