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Invitation to reflect

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
Euskal Herria 2050 | Among many | Gatuzain, 2003

When the year ends, lists, balances, lists are common. It goes without saying that if the year that has just ended is a decade change. With the beginning of the new year, there are fewer projections, fewer predictions. But literature has a path, that of imagining the future, which is often done in the form of dystopia, that is, in the representation of a fictitious, rather erroneous future. There are not many of these literary results, and perhaps that is why the collective book Euskal Herria 2050.

Published in 2003, the result is the usual disorder of these collections, both in terms of authors – known or not – and in terms of texts – most of them are stories, but there are poems, even comics – as, of course, in terms of the interest of the book’s texts. Some authors fully join the challenge posed by the editorial: “We would ask him to work freely on his conception and his projections on this subject.” More to the last sentence: “Or anything else you want,” – what does Gotzon Garate’s story have of imagining our future?” The ones that best fit the topic are the ones that are most interested, perhaps because of the reader’s expectations. Itxaro Borda's is not round, but it shows us curiously a negative future centered on human alienation. The one from Iban Zaldua is more round, the more round – just for this story is worth the collection – talks about the different migrations. Eneko Bidegain and Maritxu Lopepe, supposedly located in 2050, look too much like the world we've already intuited.

But now that we've changed the year, only a decade is talking about what we've just started, the 20th century. Luzien Etxezaharreta is not very optimistic: “In those years 2020 some parts of the world were hit by terrible pests.” And not only in the health field: “In the Basque Country it happened that armed groups were created (...) Madrid and Paris were attacked with chemical weapons (...) One of the most terrible chapters was the deportation of the whole of Gipuzkoa.” A dystopian story that, at least, I desire, and therefore, an invitation to reflect on our present.

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