If in a hundred years' time someone looks back and meets this text, we know that we are aware that it has touched us to live complex times. On behalf of the Market, 26 shameful, who have as many assets as 3,800 million people who make up half the world; on behalf of Ingurumena, our authorities continue to build polluting infrastructures that aggravate the emergence of the climate; on behalf of Paz, they are thrown at citizens who protest for a dignified life; on behalf of equality, the economy is based on the overload of women and violently perpetuate this freedom, against human rights. In the name of Security, they spy on us all the time. The world of George Orwell and neo-language in full effervescence.
Due to changes in citizens' information habits, we have recently read the following: in these times of social networks, more and more people have stopped being informed through the media. Most readers do not go beyond fake news titulares.Las. Most people are not willing to pay any money for Internet content. People are the ones who most appreciate the last-minute information. Entertainment issues are the ones that have the most visits, in short, photos, videos and light content.
However, in these times of many news and little information, in front of the journalistic model that drives most mainstream media – “we know that sometimes it is junk journalism, but it is what people want to consume” –, there are also people who fortunately estimate a different journalism. More and more, even if it looks like we're invisible to the glands of the communication world. There are people who go beyond uncontextualized news and take time to inform themselves independently. We're not the majority? No. But we are who, and to remain is something. The priority is to resist and strengthen ourselves.
The working group that we do ARGIA want to reclaim the social function of journalism: to report on fundamental issues in the life of citizens and to make the power more accurate. Meanwhile, the media landscape is getting ugly, as fewer and fewer hands are left to decide what the news is and what not. To this is added the quality of the information that can be published by the media dependent on banks and multinationals or the public media in which partisan interest prevails.
The Gurea project is small, but we will close the Centenary very happy, demonstrating once again that journalism is not in crisis, even though some media say so. In any case, it is these media and their journalistic model that are in crisis, privileged that for years have been the owners of almost one truth. There is its credibility in the crisis. Our role is to do independent journalism, and this is demonstrated by people who have joined the community in recent years, when we ask them why they have taken the step. In recent years, hundreds of people have come together to push this project forward. Thank you all very much. In our 100 years of history, thanks to new technologies, LIGHT has never been read, seen and heard by so many friends.
In our opinion, the fact that the workers own the project has brought ARGIA to be as it is today, and we want to claim the concept of sovereignty as a plural compass for these turbulent times. Political sovereignty to decide what we want Euskal Herria to be. Food sovereignty so that what we eat is in our hands from the earth to the plate. Financial sovereignty, to decide what we want to do with our savings and not to fund weapons or dark business with our funds. Sovereignty over the body to be a person, not market consumption. Educational sovereignty to be a public, secular and transformative Basque school that creates critical people. Technological sovereignty, to free us from those who want to control our daily lives. Energy sovereignty, adjusting our needs and satisfying them with renewable energies. And information sovereignty to learn about the experiences that are emerging in all these areas and to have reliable information about the world.
We therefore have the door wide open for joint work between the people, movements and agents who work in the field of sovereignty. Here we all stand. Let us pass through together as best as possible the civilizing crisis that threatens us. The old world is dying and it's hard to stand up to a new one. Antonio Gramsci said that monsters appear in these candlesticks, we see them, but at the moment new opportunities arise. May the small day-to-day joys give us strength to continue working and sowing seeds for the future.
Joan den asteartean La Vanguardia-n argitaratutako artikuluan egin zuen proposamena Txema Montero abokatu bizkaitarrak. 30 urtez Deia egunkariko kolaboratzailea izan da eta lehenik hara bidali zuen bere artikulua, baina egunkariak ez zion argitaratu.
Hemendik aurrera egunkarian soilik "norbanakoen askatasuna eta merkatu librea" sustatzen dituzten iritziak jasoko direla adierazi du enpresaburuak. Iritzi artikuluen zuzendariak hedabidea utzi duela ere argitaratu du.
Egitarau mardula prestatu dute Bergarako irrati libreko kideek: musika, literatura eta tailerrak. Besteren artean, martxoaren 29an Txapa Eguna egingo dute.
Karlos Zurutuza (Donostia, 1971), kazetari ezaguna da ARGIAko irakurlearentzat, elkarrizketa eta erreportaje ugari egin baititu aldizkari honetan. Atzerriko gatazka guneetako bizipenak ekarri ohi ditu berarekin: Kurdistan, Balutxistan, Iran... hamaika leku landu ditu, batez ere... [+]
Diario de Noticias de Álava (DNA) egunkariko langileak sinadura greban daude, eta aspaldi ari dira beren lan baldintza “miserableak” eta horiek kazetaritzaren kalitatean duen eragina salatzen. 2013tik soldatak izoztuta dituzte, eta ordutik erosahalmenaren %30... [+]
Palestinan genozidioa, Europan gerra eta potentzia nuklearren artean tentsioa. Ez daukagu berri on askorik emateko, baina bada bat, hondamendi orokorretik eratorria, aipatzea merezi duena: aldeko baldintzak sortzen ari dira kontrainformaziorako, informazio independenterako,... [+]
Vietnam, February 7, 1965. The U.S. Air Force first used napalma against the civilian population. It was not the first time that gelatinous gasoline was used. It began to be launched with bombs during World War II and, in Vietnam itself, it was used during the Indochina War in... [+]
Hirietako egunerokoa interesatzen zaio Sarah Babiker kazetariari; ez, ordea, postaletako irudia, baizik eta auzoetan, parkeetan, eskoletan, garatzen den bizitza; bertan dabilen jendea. Lurralde horretan kokatzen dira bere artikuluak, baita iaz argitaratu zituen bi lanak ere... [+]