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Kurkubia and bumblebee

Paisajista da kurkubia, paisaiaren ingeniaria, paisaia sortzen du. Paisaia anitz horren polinizatzaile gehiago eta desberdinak erakarriko ditu.

I remember as a kid how we called it the "little boy." The flower reminded us of the chicken's head. José María Lakoizketa was named “kurkubia” in Bertizarana in 1888, as its fruit resembles a kurkubi or bottle. He says in Cinco Villas they call him “cascabel.” In 1976 Javier Irigaray received the names “boka-dog”, “kañamera” and “zubiel” in the valley of Guesálaz. Rhinanthus is Mediterranean. The herbaceous plant of the year, known throughout the Basque Country. It is herbivora, mostly dry, due to its rocky character, the existence of an underlying rock, slopes, frogs and road margins...

This plant has another characteristic that caught our attention as the shape of the flower in childhood. We then had the habit of making twigs with prairie flowers and corners, and when we typed him out of the ass to cut the plant, it sounded like a bell for children. This sound sounded like dancing the seed it has inside the fruit in the form of kurkubi or bottle. Hence the name of kaskabila.

I remember that in the prairies where Kurkubia was, there was a greater wealth of flowers and plants. More colorful and textured were in the corners than in the prairies subjected to the dictatorship of the great green herbs. Colorful party. It's not that I've known the reason for that colorful party for a long time. And again, a plant makes me crazy, crazy with love.

Kurkubia is semi-parable, hemiparasite. It's a parasite, a parasite, a parasite when it can, that is, steal food from the roots of other plants around it and live behind it. Or you know how to create the food you need on your own. In the prairie, it weakens them by emptying the herbs next door and does not establish their dictatorship. Otherwise, unique plants under their feet would be perfectly developed, diversifying and enriching the prairie. Kurkubia is a landscape designer, landscape engineer, creates the landscape. It will attract more and more pollinators from this plural landscape. Kurkubia itself needs a certain family of pollinators: Bumblebees of the genus Bombus are essential. They visit you and they pollinate you. Depending on the nature of the visit, these bumblebees are divided into two groups. Nototribic bumblebees (B. pascuorum, B. horotum, B. ruderarius, B. veteranus and B. muscorum), i.e. those that bloom their heads and those that gather sternostic bumblebees (B. terrestris, B. lucorum, B. hypnorum, B. Both will get closer to the prairie where there is more variety of flowers and plants because of the curvature.

If someone had explained that story to me as a child…

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