Despite the agreement between the PSOE and Podemos, we have been led to vote again because the composition of the government was in the hands of the independence parties. Let us not deceive ourselves, the situation in Spain is not a political blockade that has been created in an incomplete government, not only that: there is a state structure in crisis. We must therefore analyse the outcome of the elections.
The achievements of the Basque parties are little, even more so outside the media spotlight of the State. The arrival of Bel Pozueta's voice from EH Bildu to Congress is also a change that deserves special mention. However, although the results have been very satisfactory, the situation as a whole has already been observed for reasons that have led to all the alarms. The Catalan sovereign process has put us on the doorstep of the second state reform after the Franco regime, and the main Spanish parties are preparing a scenario for this. The polls also show us that.
The State has a deeper problem than the unending Government, and the blockade situation is an excuse and a unique opportunity to make the adjustments they would like to make some time
ago, which they could not tie in at 78.
On the one hand, VOX is the essential guest to maintain the State model in Spain. He's come to do the dirty work. Despite the worrying results obtained, let us not forget that the extreme right is not the new guest in Spain. It has been there for the last forty years, within parties with a democratic catamalo. What the change implies is that this has been explained and that VOX exposes authoritarian and retrograde proposals without reticence: The unity of Spain and above the entire Spanish supremacist race. However, those same bases are those that have other parts at the center as well. This is clearly seen in the laundering of VOX and its inability to cope with its claims. And even clearer in their behavior with Euskal Herria or with Catalonia. We took our hands to the fore because they have flouted the illegalization of the independence parties, as if under the leadership of the PP and the PSOE they had not been illegalized over and over again. The extreme positions of VOX make a discursive and ideological work twice as much as it has so far directed towards Spain.
On the other hand, the bankruptcy of the state of the autonomies is reflected in the rise of the regionalist, sovereign and independence parties. And that the governability of Spain is in the hands of the independence parties is very uncomfortable since the metropolitan watchtower of Madrid. What is more, unacceptable. We cannot otherwise understand the call for elections.
In this way, we will see the talks to form a left-wing government, and although they can make their way, it is very likely that in the next few months the resolution of two major parties, the Spanish State's tymonels, that push the same sources of pressure from time to time so that the PP and the PSOE join. The State has a deeper problem than the unfinished Government, and the blockade situation is an excuse and an unbeatable opportunity to make the adjustments they would like to make some time ago, which they were unable to tie in at 78. One of them is the amendment of the electoral law, reducing the representation of minority parties in the territories. Measures to tighten the dolls of nationless States and to fatten the bars would also be the first item on the agenda.
In the course of the next few months, we must not lose sight of this axis. Despite the fact that at the moment the situation is a source of frustation, it is undeniable that Catalonia has struck Spain. This movement will bring a change, and in order that this change will not be darker than winter, the pressure coming from Euskal Herria will be indispensable. On the basis of some statements, it seems that the PNV is also beginning to realize this.
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