"I'll never be like I'll be."
Amaia Alvarez Uria 2019ko azaroaren 12a
-Moyo. Could not be
saved" Kattalin Miner | Elkar, 2019

These words from Leoburru can be read in Moio’s farewell letter. Kattalin Miner has done a job on his partner to say goodbye, to claim that it is a political issue, to speak clearly about transphobia and suicide, and to record what happened.

Mourning, farewell. Through interviews, narratives, chronicles, photographs, letters and memories we will be told the life and death of Hernaniarra Moio trans. The voices of Kattalin, Ainara, Ane, Uso, Ander, Ana, Josebe, Maialen, Iratxe, and Brayan will be in charge of shaping the image of Moio's figure.

Make it visible, public. Gender exercises in the book prologue (2013) Learning to see the invisible thanks to the video “realized the size of the wounds caused by body codes”. But besides the pain there was also a political clamour: the call to revolutionize discourses on “norms” of the body and “normal” bodies.

Transphobia. However, in the book by Miquel Missé Transexualities (2013) you can find the definition of transphobia: on the one hand, the pressure we all feel for men and women to act as women, and on the other, the discrimination against people transras (cis, other trans, and their own).

History, genealogy. Collective memory is fundamental for each person to build their identity, because in the case of social minorities it helps to overcome discrimination and violence, to create and consolidate a community, to be a memory and reference. He says that we must awaken consciousness and avoid forgetting.

File, documentation. Ann Cvetkovich proposes in his book An archive of feelings (2003) that, as the responses that have been socially given to homophobia do not satisfy, activism and grief are combined and private events that have been made public on this issue are documented, so that they are not lost, not seen badly and become a reference framework. In fact, emotional experiences can be the basis for new cultures and with the archive of feelings, affective life will become political. That is what Miner has done.

Things have changed a lot lately in terms of transsexuality, but, as they say in the book, there is still a lot to do among those who feel the distant and strange theme (family, colleagues, friends…). This book is a milestone on that road.