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VAT on basic food in Hego Euskal Herria
Since January 2023, the measure to prevent the application of VAT to basic foods, where olive oil has been present for three months, has been in force.

2024-10-01 | Jabi Elorza Antia

A new student has come to school. It comes from Ireland. The mother of Bilbao and the Irish father of pure strain.

The girl does not know Basque but speaks perfectly Spanish. The teacher puts him on the blackboard to introduce himself to his new colleagues and, once finished,... [+]

The UPV/EHU provisionally prohibits the teaching of "fascist messages" to the teacher.
The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) has announced that it will not teach for at least one week. Hundreds of students from the Leioa campus have denounced the Francoist uprising on social networks and the dissemination of xenophobic, machista and homophobic messages... [+]

Eight feature films, among the visionaries at the San Sebastian Festival

Bound in Heaven

Address: Xin Huo

Country: China

Duration: 109 minutes

Premiere: Not implemented

Run away from death, forward. The man who suffers a terminal illness will do so, along with his lover, friend and travel partner. A hard but positive film, with good image... [+]

Towards a nuclear winter?

The nuclear winter theory Paul J. It was the result of an investigation published in 1982 by Crutzen and John Birks. According to this study, "nuclear explosions and subsequent fires would release large amounts of soot, dust and ash into the atmosphere, causing a notable... [+]

They organize October against Turistification by a habitable city
On International Tourism Day last Friday, the Bizilagunak platform (Bizilagunak) presented the October project against Turistification.

2024-09-30 | Iraitz Amor Pla
Those who don't want to see

The news of recent days has been the “lack” of statements offered by Alex Sardui and, by the way, the accumulation of reactions and contradictions that have emerged around some errors. Entering the realm of the beliefs and interests of each one is like falling into moving... [+]

The health pact should recognize the importance of Euskera

The Pact for the Restructuring of the Public Health System begins, which the Basque Government has already ordered a few months ago and which is now the Basque Parliament. The Health Advisor presented the draft on 5 September to trade unions, political parties, healthcare... [+]

2024-09-30 | ARGIA
Seven arrested for the Barakaldo shooting
One man has died and two other people have been injured in a shooting recorded this Sunday in the Basque town of Barakaldo. The Ertzaintza has arrested seven people - five men and two women - and the investigation remains open.

2024-09-30 | ARGIA
Israel kills dozens in Lebanon and Yemen, including the leaders of Hezbollah and Hamas
The Israeli bombings are continuing. Beirut (Lebanon) and Yemen have been the scene in recent days of numerous attacks that have caused dozens of civilian deaths in the area. These include the leader of the Shiite organization Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, and the Commander of... [+]

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