Noiz: abuztuaren 21ean.
Non: Iruñeko Mañueta kaleko balkoian.
The first month of August used to be the desert after San Fermín, but in recent years the summer of the capital has been filled with cultural initiatives. The Festival of the Walls, Other Lights, Auzokale and the International Film Festival of Navarra which is being held this year for the first time. Among them, flamenco has taken a special place, since at the end of August it managed to bring together much of the diverse sociology of Pamplona, in honor of Professor Sabicas, to extol the Flemish roots of the Navarre lands.
With the doubt of my ignorance, I headed towards Mañueta Street, thinking that at least on the mythical street of Casco Viejo I was going to take a nice photo. I didn't know, but my ignorance was double, because the most massive initiatives of the festival are the ones that are made on the balconies. The railing of the Plaza de los Burgos, full of stairs that come down to the street, and the plaza that is created in front of the fronton of Baños de Ebro, crowded with people. I, among that crowd, thought about how to bring to you this style that I don't control.
Then Uncle Selín and José Jiménez, father and son came out on two balconies. The father was willing to tear the voice and the son with the guitar in his hand. Selín is a veteran singer-songwriter who has accumulated years of experience and has been able to transmit the Navarre song to his heirs. Joseph is not left behind either, the passion and delicacy with which he plays the guitar is evident. This year Flamenco On Fire has focused on ‘Generations, Myths and Youth’, and it is clear that this family has a lot to say in this field. Rooted in Tudela and with deep gypsy roots, they are one of the most important representatives of flamenco in Navarra.
Selín is a strong singer, regardless of his age, from free hands to the voice torn by passion. As if he were sparing sparks, he slowly began to ignite the flames and create a fire of passion. I was shocked by the influence it exerted on the public singing from the balcony. The art that has always been of the street is a direct way to go out to the street, which leads you to catch the gaze of the passersby and to stay without moving, waiting for them to give you palmations of thanks. And in the end, not as much as I would like, but in ignorance it is also possible to enjoy the song, because at the end of the day the fire is always the fire.
Bidai on bat
Autoekoizpena, 2024
Nik ez nioke talde bati Braulio izena jarriko; eta seguruenik inork gutxik hasiko luke lan bat sei minutuko iraupena duen kanta batekin. Baina hauei parra die eta horri esker... [+]
Hiuzz + Bloñ + Adur
Noiz: otsailaren 15ean.
Non: Iruñeko Aitzina tabernan (Egun Motelak kolektiboa).
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La Furia
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WHEN: February 2nd.
IN WHICH: In the youth center of Zuia, Murguía.
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The stage director: To the Allex Eagle.
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Party and recreation. Oral History of Rock Radical Vasco
Javier 'Jerry' Corral
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