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Itsas Mendi

  • One of the highest summer moments of the past – snif – if not the highest: Isabelle Huppert has been to Urruña. I repeat that if the news had sparked us a bit: Isabelle Huppert, if she is not the most important actress in Europe, has been in the film Itsas Mendi in the village of Urruña, where she has participated.

Yes, I know, now you get angry not having known them before, not being there; but for that we are the columnists, to spoil the day. In Huppert Urruña, then, he learned that one of the last films, if not the last – Frankie nothing from the other world – was to be pre-premiered and announced its appearance. The bottom line is that the room is packed and a great gift for the attendees.

That summer moment that has just passed – snif – has reminded me of another culminating point, which has happened a few years ago a few kilometres from here. In the Galician Compostela, the film Numax, among others, opened its doors (never miss it) and the director of the film Clouds pasaxeiras, Aki Kaurismaki, one of Europe’s great film directors, appeared in the screening. I was angry that I hadn't been there. And envy, nothing heals.

But more than envy, this column would want to talk about other things, for example, the choices we make. Compared to the big, we love the small – I think you too, dear reader, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this magazine. Compared to the festivals, the local movie theaters. In the area of Caballeros, kiosks of Etxeondo, neighborhood bakeries, local shops. Yes, I know, you will tell me that one does not take away the other, that you can do both, until throughout the year you become a regular spectator of a small movie theater and get fed up with the movies at the festival. But do we? The truth is that we drown in tears when those little ones fade away.

Elon Musk seeks Trump’s votes in key states of the United States
The American Pac Political Initiative Committee is led by Elon Musk, one of the richest men in the world, according to The Guardian. His mission is to get votes for Donald Trump in several key states of the United States.

More than 700 deaths are approaching the land offensive in Lebanon and Israel
Israel continues to attack southern Lebanon and several neighbourhoods in Beirut and, despite the increasing calls of international actors, there is no possibility of a truce for the time being.

2024-09-27 | Gedar
The militiamen again denounce the work of the Palestinian Authority against the resistance
The security forces of the Palestinian Authority play an active role vis-à-vis members of the resistance: persecution, robberies, boycotts, etc.

Is the Anglo-Saxon word racist?

The University of Nottingham has changed its name to the Master in Studies on Anglo-Saxons and Vikings: Medieval Higher Studies of England. The Anglo-Saxon England Journal of the University of Cambridge had also been previously renamed: It's the Early Medieval England Journal... [+]

Victoria Woodhull, first candidate

Born 2 April 1970. The newspaper New York Herald published a letter with activist and broker Victoria Woodhull (1838-1927), in which he realized his candidacy for the U.S. presidential elections of 1872. It is the youngest candidate in history, who would be 34 years old on the... [+]

2024-09-27 |
On 11 January, the traditional national meeting of prisoners will take place in Bilbao.
The motto of the mobilisation called by Sare Herritarra on 11 January in Bilbao will be “The final solution”, and as every year, Sare expects the support of thousands of people.

2024-09-27 | Rober Gutiérrez
Artificial intelligence: a new opportunity for Euskera

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing not only our daily lives, but also the way we work in companies and interact with companies through Artificial Intelligence tools or developments in the use of language technology. It is also to be hoped that in the coming years... [+]

2024-09-27 | Eneko Atxa Landa
San Sebastian Festival 7.eguna
Inexplicable excellence, by contrast

When I made the Festival calendar, the first film I chose was Parthenope. Not knowing what it was, before I read the synopsis, I knew I had to see it, because it was from director Paolo Sorrentino. My roommate and roommate always tells me that I’m an “excited” with that... [+]

Care and Basque: Looking for tools to release the “big knot”
The Basque Council for Basque Cultural Activity. On 26 September, the Building Networks days were held in Donostia-San Sebastian. Idurre Eskisabel, Secretary-General of the Council, pointed out in his first speech that it is “urgent” to address the issue. The aim of the... [+]

2024-09-27 | Euskal Irratiak
Amaia Fontang
“Hau da etorkinen geroa gobernu berriarekin: kontrola, kanporaketak eta kriminalizazioa”

"Segurtasun gehiago, inmigrazio gutxiago". Bruno Retailleau barne ministro frantsesa argi mintzatu da, kargua hartu berritan. Etorkinen gaineko kontrola azkartu nahi du Michel Barnier lehen ministro eskuindar-kontserbadorearen gobernuak, eta jada Retailleauk aitzinatu... [+]

The Government of Navarre approves the decree of merits for the valuation of Euskera in the administration
He has requested an urgent report from the Council of Navarre to clarify the situation. This is a preliminary step for final approval, five years after the Superior Court of Justice of Navarre annulled part of the previous decree.

Emakume* Abertzaleen X. Meeting in Llodio on 16 November
They will meet with the all-day programme and reaffirm their commitment to continue defining where, where and how they want to travel on the road to the feminist Basque Country.

They denounce the "racist and simplistic" report by Antena 3 on Donostia
On Wednesday, the Public Mirror Program of the Spanish Broadcasting Chain3 released a sensationalist report that focused on the alleged citizen insecurity in Donostia and focused on young Maghreb people. The report has been publicly denounced by Kale Afari Solidarioa (KAS), for... [+]

Official Section. 7.eguna
What is generational relief?

On Wednesday, the Greek Costa-Gavras was at Donostia-San Sebastian, at 91, presenting his new work and giving him the level with Le dernier souffle; and on Thursday the British Mike Leigh, with an elegant black cane and an 81 year old luggage.

New old ones? No. And I'm not... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude