They seem to want us to get back into the whirlwind of elections, and I do not know, before we enter into that, we would not have to analyse what has come out of the cycle of the last elections and of the government formations clearly for the Basques. We have often heard that the Spanish State has no remedy, that there is not enough force there to make real change. But then we stand for or against the formulas of government of others, among the errors, who will do less harm to us by arguing and providing facilities for it. I am not going to say, at first sight, in a tactical way, that this is not worthy of consideration. But shouldn't we use a longer look? In what direction does this tactic lead us?
If we want Euskal Herria to be at some point an independent democratic nation, that strategic axis will have to clarify the tactics that we develop at every moment. From this point of view, I would say that some of the last elections hurt us more than we do. The ghost of the “arrival of the extreme right” has been used with mastery by some, and has also influenced our own, as the Spanish State has entered fully into the operation of offering a cane to that “without remedy”, both in Madrid and in Pamplona. It is true that the extreme odious right, for a moment, has moved away from governments, but in return we would have to analyse in detail what we have strengthened and what we have weakened.
I would say that the factual powers of that State have not been weakened at all. Moreover, I would say that these powers have reinforced the influence they have always had on these so-called “alternative governments”; if not, see the absolute weakness and political direction shown by the new managers of that Spanish social democracy. The PSOE has been strengthened, yes, but delivery and submission within the PSOE has also been strengthened.
The ghost of the “arrival of the extreme right” has been used with mastery by some, and has also influenced our own, as the Spanish State has entered fully into the operation of offering the crutch to that “without remedy”, both in Madrid and in Pamplona.
If something has been clarified in this “renewal” of the leadership of the PSOE, it is that they do not want to provide a single line, for example, on the way to solve in a concerted and democratic way the problems they have both in Catalonia and in Euskal Herria. Not a single mention of the right to decide! Not even in intermediate tactical objectives, do you give up the repressive path that is followed in Catalonia? No, no! Free the Catalan prisoners? Not even on a provisional basis. Bringing Basque prisoners home? Does anyone believe that they will be able to release so easily the means of pressure that have been so dear to them? If they did so, how could they maintain the current tactical game? Promises on election day yes, but always conditional; after the elections, forget everything and stay the same.
The point is that all this has been made very clear in this representative process of forming the Spanish Government following the last electoral calls. Now, being called to the new elections, it will not be so easy for them to repeat the previous operation. We're supposed to learn something from experience. In Catalonia, those of Esquerra, who defended the exclusion of unilaterality and dialogue with the government of the PSOE, seems that at this time they have made a “review of the revelation” and have begun to point out, once again, the path of tactical and strategic unity (really? ).
And the Basques, what have we learned along the way? That we need a collective project of our own, an independent strategy, putting all the tactics at your service. In the meantime, we will serve others.
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