Agur, Basque Country!
Karlos Gorrindo Etxeandia @kgorrindo 2019ko irailaren 03a

What sadness and sorrow gives us to see that the people who have lasted centuries and millennia are disappearing! The oldest peoples and languages of Europe, the Basque Country and the Basque Country, will soon have to change their names. Or the ministries of the interior of France and Spain will force them to change. There will only be empty provinces of Spain and France. Exactly five. And only two languages will be spoken: Spanish and French. These countries will cease to be the Basque Country in a natural and accepted way, in the name of well-being and coexistence. Abandoning national consciousness and linguistic awareness.

Given the current structural demography of the Basque Country, the variables of residents, citizenship, language, culture and fertility, the Basque Country will cease to have a wider, more open and mestizo existence, and the Basque Country will disappear as a national entity, intentionally ignoring its unique and characteristic character.

The Basque Country is a mestizo society, equipped with Spaniards and French, more with emigrants
who are forced to recognise and continue to repatriate on a daily basis. Unstoppable mestizages granted over the centuries do not help us to build the Basque
Country that we would like

Regarding the Basque Country, he takes note of the prophetic phrase of Miguel de Unamuno: “Let the Basque Country die on its own, until the last sigh.” Witness to this prophecy that is becoming a reality, data on the time when the use of Euskera has weakened, explained by scientific street measurements. And, of course, the linguistic choice and lack of awareness of the nationality of a hypothetical Basque Country and of children who may be vasco-speakers. This tangible reality leads us to think that ours has already done, or that we are experiencing the vital experience of a long agony among those who still have a small footprint of national and linguistic consciousness.

The small nations without structural state power in this world disappear day by day from the powerful national states, establishing a demographic, cultural and social dependence, through their false legal norms.

The Basque Country is a mestizo society, equipped with Spaniards and French, more with emigrants who are forced to recognise and continue to repatriate on a daily basis. Unstoppable mestizages granted for centuries do not help us to build the Basque Country that we would like. The Basque Country, lacking a State structure and having a minority language, is gradually collapsing within the Botxist National States and in the deep well of strong languages.

Resisting is not winning, it's prolonging agony.