Sound swirl
Joxi Ubeda Goikoetxea 2019ko abenduaren 10
"The limits learned." Self-production
Striknina, 2019

The band of Lemoa Striknika has released its second album. Rosebud (2013), for its part, has completed it along the path he had already shown with his first album, but it is evident that he has refined, condensed and consolidated his melody, taking a step forward, maintaining its character. Before starting the recording sessions, it can be observed that the members of the group have used their time to make the songs, to create melodies, to set rhythms and to make arrangements according to all the details.

However, without losing strength, energy, vitality and speed, taking into account the previous disc. In the Striknina team only three members work, but they continue to arm a mess without piety. They play punk rock and hardcore melodic songs, make cuts and rhythm changes, alternating with slightly heavier passages, and in general you can see a bittersweet atmosphere.

They play without joke, raw, to touch their instruments and to comment on their messages: “You are a small point of this struggle and the others; survival is about losing your way, losing is surviving” (Persist), “The inexplicable becomes incomprehensible to us outside of science; perhaps what we see in black and white is full of gray” (Out of science), “Looking down and forming part of the machine of the iron horse, all people, all senses, fish is condemned by memory.”

The band consists of Gago (bass and voice), Unax (drums) and Mikel (guitar). After the publication of their second work, they have carried out several interns, among others, in Basauri, Leioa, Sopela, Barakaldo and Arrigorriaga, and their hobby will want to do more for their work. And that is that in public performances you can feel and live very well the snoring sound made by the Striknina group.