Summer is a good time to reflect on the thinness dictatorship, as the discomfort felt by most women when putting the swimsuit is fresh. The author of the novel Sarai Walker Dietland in El Salto explains the following: “For the pressure on women to be thin, it’s a kind of social control. (…) Society punishes fat women because they do not obey the patriarchal ideas associated with the female body. (…) Obesity is a feminist issue.”
Gordophobia is the discourse of violence and structural hatred suffered by coarse people. Those of us who are not fat are under pressure to stay thin, but we do not know the cruelty of gordophobia violence and we do not realize the privileges of having a normative body, for example, when looking for work.
The movement against gordophobia is faced with great resistance, as in our society there are three deeply rooted myths: 1. Being fat isn't healthy. 2nd Thick bodies are repugnant. 3. Obesity is a consequence of the lack of moral virtue (glotony and laziness).
These three myths are deserialized by the mirages. I recommend the multimedia report made by the digital portals Klitto and Topatu that you will also find on the web of Argia.
I find the myth of health particularly astute. The size of a person does not indicate anything reliable about his or her state of health or habit. There are big vegans or big athletes. There are also sedentary, skinny people who are fond of Mc Donalds who don't get jeans. Exclusion can cause more pain than diabetes, but the emotional damage caused by gordophobia to those who are so worried about fat health doesn't matter. I remember what a fat girl told me at a conference of the entrepreneur Magda Piñeyro: when she returned to work from a depression, my coworkers “You’re pretty! He's slimmed down!" they told him.
Lucrecia Masson explains in Argia that the body mass index originates in France and that, as a consequence of colonialism, calculation in Caucasian bodies has spread throughout the world. It also refers to the role of the medical profession, in an interview by Danele Sarriugarte: only the doctor can tell us what is good and what is bad, as the priest has long been.
When I'm pregnant, I've come across the thick discourse of the health system. In the yoga classes for pregnant women, many have reported that until birth they have experienced strong medical pressure and midwife for thickening “excessively” according to the statistics, despite having correct eating habits and exercising. For five months I have enjoyed my privilege and received the sweet words from my surroundings: “What a nice belly! You didn’t get fatter!” Last week, a new midwife measured my weight and scolded me with a paternalistic and unsharp tone: “Three kilos in a month! What happened? So far you have done very well! Well, control. In total, you can’t fatten more than ten kilos.” The fault is mine, I'm doing something wrong and I have to control my body to obey statistics. What has been said: for the system the fattening is a health problem (the truth is that the midwife does not care if I take good care of myself; my weight is the only variable that matters), but also a sin. Now I'll have to do penance every time I like ice cream.
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