The one he dedicated to my book Haizegua is one of my favorites. He remembered how Piío Caro Baroja and Eduardo Gil himself prepared the book, and how they presented it as if it were that of a 19th century poet named Martín Indaburu, found in a Zugarramurdi bord; how was Atxaga the first or the first to realize that literary seam, because it was too well written.
Gil Therefore, Haizegua is, to a large extent, an excuse to speak. He later wrote the biography Baroja or the fear, which fell like a bomb in Iza. They're things that happen. To me, I must confess, I loved the book, more like it, because it's the real force tour of irony and sarcasm. I would ever like to know how to write like Gil Bera.
Barandarian mentions that before doing what Indaburu and Baroja, our writer reflected on several books, in Basque, but that in his blog, in the section that picks up his bibliography, he has forgotten those books, which were written in another life.
I've only seen Eduardo Gil Bera once. Years ago, in an important event held at the Baluarte de Pamplona/Iruña. It had to be important, since the then lehendakari, Miguel Sanz, was the one who took the floor. Some of us do not applaud him. I went with the late Joxemiel Bider and another friend. Bider Gil came to greet him. -A little bit of an educarist is Joxemi-murmured my classmate in the ear.
So do I.
Year of War, year of lie!
That is what the phrase says, and that is what reality confirms.
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