Leire Narbaiza Arizmendi @txargain 2019ko uztailaren 16a

"Flags are nothing more than rags," the world's citizens, who are nowhere, and who are from all places, proclaim. It's curious, but it's always about people with flags that have a state.

This attitude has also spread in some independence sectors. We have ruled out ikurrina because we believe that we are more modern, because that flag is somewhat outdated, because it has been institutionalised in the CAV and because in Ipar Euskal Herria ikurrina has become a tourist product.

It is true that Gurutzebi’s was designed by Sabino Arana and that almost everything he created himself resembles the old. Nor can we forget that the Spanish sector continually repeats that the flag is invented, as if all the others had left a tree.

It is clear that we need a flag because, despite our refusal, all States firmly maintain their own flag. If we should be the ikurrina? I think so. Besides the fact that the risk assumed by the climber of the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd (and others) is in memory and heart (had father), this symbol remains a source of freedom in Pamplona.