Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

From the hard heart

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
Pirate bihotza / Sébastien Perez
Illustrations: Justine Brax
translation: Patxi Zubizarreta
Ibaizabal, 2019

These authors have already released an album in Basque, Herensugeen semea (Ibaizabal), and as he is also spectacular. This Pirate Bihotza is filled with illustrations of large-scale books.

The book tells the story of the pirates as the title had suggested, but in the story of the pirate Luis there is a very important element, a basic element: the heart. Luis's father and grandfather were pirates and this young man, like them, launches through the sea to become a pirate. Luis begins to steal some fishermen, then it is done with a boat and its crew… and from then on there will no longer be peace in the seas in which the boat of Luis circulates.

Luis will work as a pirate, “As his father before him, and as his grandfather before… But he had a hard heart”, and so, as he advances on the pages of the book, we will be able to see how he takes the treasures, how the treasure of the young pirate grows and how he steals the kings.

The text reflects the intense rhythm of the story (“He looked at the compass. He was walking west, passing through the farthest places with his father. Hard heart, warm mind”; or “A very special gem! Blonde colored blood. Brighter than the sun. And in the form of a heart”), short sentences not only reflect that vitality, but also bring the reader’s eyes to the images. The latter are, in part, the most attractive part of the book. Large, sometimes filling the two pages, the illustrations by Justine Brax show us the changes he has given in the skin of Luis the young man, and also in his interior.

Beyond the story he tells, Pirata bihotza is an impressive book as an object, and we must thank the Ibaizabal house. But it is also true that although the hard image of the young pirate is reflected throughout the book, at the end there is one who moves the heart of Luis, a young poor fisherman, bone and skin, tired, with dark eyes. The final represents the beginning of a following story: “Luis dedicated his treasure to the young fisherman. This is how he finally managed to relieve his heart. And so came the legend of the broad pirate heart.”

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