I am referring to the reflection after knowing the ruling of the La Manada case. The Supreme Court has passed a ruling that no one expected: It is a “sexual assault,” a “continued rape.” OK. The right choice. Rapists to prison.
Society wants justice, people live thirsty for a just society. Like the justice of the Church of yesteryear, of a potrose god, today needs the justice of the State. If the sentence “satisfies us”, with joy. But I'm convinced that trees don't let the forest see.
I would like to say: Having a rapist is enough to represent the ferocious arc that has been committed. I wonder if it has not been necessary in the “stage” to have five men and one woman to shake the imaginary of society a little.
I have seen those five “friends” on the way to the courts – on television – in their healthy mood and decent appearance, showing the normal people of the society of the show. Accepted within the “standard”, therefore “normal”. If it is terrible that a man “alone” violates someone, to think that the five “friends” were in line to put his penis into the same “fucked”, I have been aroused by the desire to “kill my spirit”.
When animals copulate with males, females, or males with females, do males stand in line? In the violation of Pamplona, the main perspective has been to know “whether or not the woman had desire”. For me, it’s a “point of view” that those five colleagues are looking forward to putting their cup into the same hole.
If man – man and woman – as reasonable, ceased to be an animal, hopefully he was not right! If the person – who has the mask of being the author – has as many duties as rights, why justice? When we are increasingly separated from our neighbour, free and selfish, the state judge, like the Church in the past, has to impose punishment.
In the Basque Country it has “passed”, so it seems “appropriate” to adopt a kind of character of our future state: “If it is going to be a Basque state, it will have to be a feminist state,” some say. OK. If it is going to be, it will be “republican – socialist”, others. OK. “It will be Euskaldun – who will live in Basque at the same level as the collateral languages – or it will not be.” He nodded.
However, the Basque State can be a feminist, socialist and Euskaldun, and that is why it can be an oppressant – violator. Does anyone really think, and in pain, that these characteristics – or others – can naturally give a dignified education to the human being, the person or the individual? A dignified education to be “normal”? Is it possible for the person to grow, because current education prevents people from growing?
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