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Pepper Soreness

Piper soroen etorkizuna beltza ikusten dut nik. Urtea joan eta urtea etorri, soro berean landare bera eta bakarra lantzen bada, urte gutxi barru arazo larriak izango ditu. Irudia: Maitane Gartziandia.

Make a hole with the planter and put the plant in. The grief guindillas (Capsicum annuum), which will heat up by the summer of this year, are already planted. Just to think about it, my teeth got sweaty.

In our town the river Oria becomes a curl, and in the people of the banks of one side and the other there is an enormous knowledge and culture about pepper. The cultivation of guindilla is not old, but in recent years it has spread dramatically. People are asking more and more and giving them big series. The main producers are betting on an increasingly advanced equipment. In the fields, black plastic, pulled with handles and no signs of wrinkles, is the one that is placing behind the tractor, in a whisper. In the past, the brand was used to be able to perform field sows in an orderly and simple manner; by pulling one or two friends, the artifact drew parallel signals that were then sown and the plants grew with a determined space in straight slices. In the fields of peppers, the means for preparing the ground, planting and care are far ahead. There is a job that has no choice but to do in a smooth and smooth way: the collection of guindillas. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Once it has enlarged and the skin has cracked, nobody wants it. Collection is carried out frequently, every two or three days. A machine has not yet been invented that can carry out a selective collection between the grains present in the plant. The scrambled grains are removed and thrown to the ground, the fruits are left too small for the next time, and the appropriate peds are sweetly removed from the plant, without cutting off the fragile branches, for the harvest to continue. This work has been done by a lot of young students who have opted for money. Today, that hard work that gets crouched is done by people coming from outside.

The future of peppers fields I see as black. Plastic color that is added to the pepper plant. If the same plant is cultivated in the same field and the only one every year, in a few years' time it will have serious problems. Eat the same foods and stack the others on the ground. To tackle this problem, sow a green manure in the autumn (e.g. Oats, oats sativa, and a common chorizo or chirta, Vicia sativa) and regenerate the soil would be very good.

In addition to this tiredness of the earth, diseases and pests that especially attack the guindilla will also be established and located. A plant that every year is your grass, there, by hand. And that does not have a solution. The viruses beat him and, above all, his own sadness, Phytophtora capsici. This is called the disease, the sadness of the pepper, whose leaves, instead of being upright and thick, are wilted and faded, are impotent, sad and sad.

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