In view of the results obtained in the three General Meetings, it seems that nothing has changed, but looking at country by country, we can see some changes.
In Álava, the decrease of pp stands out, with 12 thousand votes less, one third less than in the previous election date. But also that Elkarrekin Podemos has only achieved half of the votes that Podemos and Irabazi had. The PSE is the party that has risen the most, ahead of the PNV, which has fallen slightly. EH Bildu has won a juntero, although he has lost some votes. The reason for these changes? The PNV has used the voice of fear very well, against EH Bildu. The pp has been cast, but without repeating what happened in the Spanish elections, in which EH Bildu has removed the pp.En
Gipuzkoa, the PNV has won the duel between PNV and EH Bildu. Despite the small difference in the votes, the PNV has won two junters and junctions by an absolute majority. The PSE has won 4 000 votes, but it is a long way from the rise it has achieved in Bizkaia and Álava. Why hasn't EH Bildu overcome the PNV? In Gipuzkoa, the PNV has also carried out a very aggressive campaign against EH Bildu, but, contrary to what happened in several municipalities, EH Bildu has not obtained sufficient confidence to govern the Deputy. The reason for this calls for further analysis.
I would say that it is Bizkaia that has changed the least. The PNV has brought out two more seats, one to pp and one to EH Bildu, but it has not achieved an absolute majority, and the PSE has brought one more to pp.
Looking forward? I do not believe that anything will change; the agreement between the PNV and the PSE will be ratified in the three foreign parliaments. On the election night I listened to the leaders of the PNV who will talk to all parties, ready to reach agreements with everyone. I don't think so. In the previous legislature, other agreements were possible and the PNV and the PSE did not emerge from the majority they had in Parliament. I do not believe them, because even though there is a chance of obtaining larger majorities, they do not like them, because they fear the danger of jeopardizing their superiority. I refer to the PNV and EH Bildu agreement.
In the drafting of these lines, the new quadripartite of Navarra has just reached a programmatic agreement. The quadripartite is new, because the PSN enters and leaves EH Bildu. They also agreed that the Socialists have vetoed those of Bildu, who have ensured that they are not... [+]
In the summer of 1977, thousands of people from the Freedom March entered the camps of Arazuri, in Pamplona, in columns and filled with ikurriñas, shouting that Navarre is the Basque Country. Twenty years later I had the opportunity to interview Juan Cruz Alli, and in... [+]
Ada Colau will remain in the position of Mayor of the Catalan capital, in a context difficult to imagine before the election campaign: With the eight votes in favour of the PSC, the three votes in favour of the candidature of former Prime Minister Manuel Valls, supported so far... [+]
On 19 June, while he was in the constitutive session of the new Parliament of Navarre, on the front sidewalk, there were about 25-30 men behind a banner. They weren't relatives of the prisoners, they weren't workers of a company in crisis, they weren't even Euskaltzales worried... [+]
What does it mean to achieve good results in the elections? Ideologically, parties that coincide with the status quo tend to achieve institutional power and, furthermore, prefer to submit to it all political analyses. In the elections, what is well done is rewarded. And it's... [+]
What affects us when we vote? What ideas, intentions and emotions are there? Veiled political thoughts or elaborate considerations that reflect deeply and then unfold deep roots in our thinking? That we do not know where we have received the beliefs that we collect, as the... [+]