The achievements of the useless
Oier Guillan 2019ko maiatzaren 29a

I have just seen the play La conquista de lo inutil, in Irun, the native people of the authors. In the atrium chatting with a veteran actor: it is surprising that with more than thirty years of experience, in a way, they are relegated, despite good criticism and international recognition, despite having a cult team for the locals. “Since when have they not acted, for example, in Donostia?”

But no, it is the disease that reigns, and it is a scourge: "There are people who do not calm down, but in the culture of this country that is paid," he said. Adido. I too have been silent, sad, tired, among other things, thinking about this year’s Donostia Prize

I remember in 1998, at the Main Theatre, I saw the play Tombola Lear by Legaleon T. How that work affected me, how it marked the steps I would later take on the stage. “How far is that action, that Donostia,” his friend continued, “with some Taifa kingdoms that have been created in the public sector in the Basque Country, what matters least is to boost culture in the cultural sphere. The healthiest thing would be for public programmers and cultural projects to be reviewed every five years, for theatrical lines to be constantly updated and adapted to the reality of the new theatrical companies and generations.” But no, it's the disease that reigns, and it's a plague. “Some don’t keep quiet, but in the cultural realm of this country that is paid.” I have also remained silent, sad, tired, among other things, on the subject of this year’s Donostia Prize: three actors have denounced the labor conflict, the precariousness of Euskera in the bilingual versions. You can listen to the two sides of the conflict and feel undecided about each other, to what extent you agree or not, to what extent you have enough information, but I was clear about something: the fear, the fear, the fear of many people. Fear of agents who have too large a subsidy in recent decades, of “normality” being broken, of being programmed or called to work if spoken.

He talked about the situation of the theater with humor The conquest of the useless, proclaiming the passion and the flame to face the situation: it is difficult to face an epidemic, perhaps it is too much effort for one person, programmer, company or cultural association, for a shared will to put the theater above the industrial criteria. In Respect of the cultural industry and blablabla – I sincerely believe that there is within the system that tries to do things differently – but ostia, not everything is worth, it cannot serve! Perhaps the only solution is to invent other types of pests.