This morning the woodpecker screamed in the oak of the house (Quercus robur). He'd been a long time, and he seemed angry. The morning is beautiful, fresh but joyful, very clear. We approach the longest days of the year and it is noticeable in the brightness of the morning. But the woodpecker protested. The saying goes that if the woodpecker sings thirst, it asks for rain. These are some of the ones collected by Gotzon Garate: singers of tokile, uria fite; singers of rolls, safe rains; singers of panecillas, singers of rolls, asking for rains of rolls; singing woodpeckers, devouring the air; and Natalia Munitxari of Abadiño: baker. Look at the weather forecast and say that today comes rain in the afternoon.
I don't know if the bird you've sung was himself or another, but in the early morning of yesterday, when I had to wake him up, I saw him out the window, approaching the new flock that we put the day before, and posing on the first stake. The enclosure is sasiacacia (Robinia pseudoacacia) and grid. From the window you see 22 stakes that are lost behind the mount. Well, one by one has examined the woodpeckers of the jones, to see if there was any bite that could satisfy the appetite of the morning.
The green woodpecker grows around us and I'm happy, because they make extraordinary cleaning of insects, worms, caterpillars, chrysalis, etc. It's a nice show your wavy flight. And the song: it sounds like a jet, faster and losing the tone ...
Do birds, like baths of water for the purity of their bodies, also take baths of land? The mare or the donkey, in its good spring time, win the cavalry or the apples, or throw up, roll, die, crawl, bite, agitate, beat, swing, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move or shake.
In my aunt's chicken cooker, when a hen, with her wings extended, was buzzing like she was auscultated by the ground, we learned that she was plastered, lifted up by the dust, to scare off fleas and lice, it seems. It must also be called a shackle, because the saying says: “Do chickens grow between powders? Bad time for everything.”
The woodpecker was singing and the hen was moving, a sign that time is going to get worse. The chickens tremble when they hear the woodpecker singing. And does the woodpecker do it? To what extent is the woodpecker chicken? What about the hen?
Azken mendean Etiopiak galdu ditu antzinako oihanik gehienak, nekazaritzaren, artzaintzaren eta herrialdean laborantza industrial neokolonialak eragindako goseteen presiopean. Alabaina, biodibertsitatez betetako azken baso zatiak geratu dira, fosil gisa, zientoka eliza eta... [+]
Would anyone say that the Amazon rainforest is an abandoned forest? Or that the protected areas of Costa Rica and Borneo are abandoned? Have we declared natural parks because Pagoeta and Aiako Harria are abandoned forests? In all these areas is the natural forest or the natural... [+]
The dandelion tooth flourishes (Taraxacum officinale). Most flourished towards March, and a few flourish further. And here and there you will find your attractive yellow flower for almost all the year. Its open flower is a sign of good time. It had been extended from day to day... [+]
On the day of the presentation of book 111 Hostoz eta Orriz we had the opportunity to learn about the culture of Duzunaritz. A delicious day to round off a series of celebrations that fill the century of Argia. I can't imagine a more beautiful path than to dirty the shoes in... [+]
Anyway, in good and bad ways, we have been told that we sharpen all the threats, but we have been told five. The world, our world is dying. Our way of life is unsustainable and unsustainable for all the other living things that have touched them to live with us. Every day we are... [+]
Pollination is important in the way of life of most plants. Essential to create a seed that builds the future of each species and variety. Pollination is a journey from the Pollen Aleño de la Flor to the Female. This travel can be done on the body, head, or legs of an insect,... [+]