25 years ago, between April and July 1994, the Tutsis genocide in Rwanda, in which one million people were killed by the Hutu radicals moderated Tutsi or Hutu for three months. Since then, the survivors have worked tirelessly to find the truth, denouncing the active participation of French politicians, bankers and high-level military personnel of the time. Ms. Adélaïde Mukantabana, who works on these records, has come again and again to Euskal Herria to testify to his exciting testimony in some towns and educational centers. Lately, Hau de Zuberoa magazine has invited Maule to visit her on April 29.
Like many other Rwandans, Adélaïde Mukantaba wrote an open letter to Emmanuel Macron, who became president in 2017. Chapter II reproaches little consistency. It rejected the massacres of the World War, and not those provoked in 1994 by François Mitterrand, Edouard Balladur, Alain Juppé, Nicolas Sarkozy or Hubert Védrine in Rwanda. In it, Adélaïde Mukantabana stressed that Emmanuel Macron was then a young man who asked him in his heart to break with the political line of bloody hands in the affairs of Rwanda, that is, to open all the files to the historian and to justice, and to request officially forgiveness on behalf of France, as did Belgium, the United States, the Vatican and the United Nations.
Instead of taking this historic step, Emmanuel Macron has appointed General Lecointre, who participated in the military operation Turquoise of Rwanda, as leader of the Supreme Leadership, and has welcomed too quickly the symbolic 25th anniversary of the genocide: he has not had time to go to the memory of Kigalréi, which was held in April, and as there are no French ambassadors in Rwanda.
But what interest did the French authorities have in blaming their people to such an extent in the Rwandese genocide? Above all, the surveillance of the Francophonie. Because Rwanda is an old Belgian French-speaking colony, surrounded by English-speaking peoples. However, this story for France has been a terrible failure: Starting in 2008, leaders have removed the French language from school and administration programs, introducing English instead. At present, only 6 per cent of the Basque population says they speak in French.
Former Foreign Minister Louise Mushikiwabo said in 2011, causing: “With English we can see it far; with French we will not go anywhere.” These kinds of statements come to us, and maybe they hide a similar conflict, that's what's related to the local language, the Kinyaruanda. Because, as Adélaïde Mukantabana has explained, and as it happened in German literature, local narrators, writers and artists have to reinvent liquefied language by the agents and assassins of genocide: the language used to promote hatred was not French in local media, but a Kinyaruanda with pre-Columbian culture and memory. A huge challenge for young writers, we look at the linguistic recovery processes that we can follow with great interest.
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