That historic record has been set by the United States and China, which have spent $694 billion on arms and $250,000 million, respectively. Between them they account for more than half of the overall defence budget. Attention is drawn to the case of Saudi Arabia, which is still in third position with $67.6 billion, and which remains the main arms importer. But it should not surprise us, knowing that he is leading the military intervention in Yemen. Moreover, it should be remembered that some of these weapons are produced by Basque companies and reach the Arab territory through the Port of Bilbao.
The French State ranks fifth with $63.8 billion and the Spanish State is the sixteenth, after spending $18.200 million in 2018, which increased its military budget as a member of NATO last year by 7%.
It is therefore not true that there is no money in state coffers to improve pensions, health, education, dependency or measures to protect migrants. They have money to put their teeth together. The Spanish Government, which says it is socialist, says it is going to make social policies ... Well, in the face of that military spending, I would have to think about what to do. And the other parties, those who say they are left-wing and progressive, and also the citizens, should demand it.
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Alarma jo du, beste urte batez, OIP Presondegien Nazioarteko Behatokiak. Abenduaren lehenean marka berri bat hautsi zen frantses estatuan, 80.792 pertsona atxiloturekin. Espetxe-administrazioaren aitzinikuspenen arabera, gainera, 86.000 baino gehiago izan litezke 2027an egungo... [+]