I had just been called a friend who knows the Jeltzales world to tell me about the outcome of the elections on 28 April. It is surprising: The PNV has obtained the best results in its history; nine senators, six deputies, that is, fifteen well-placed people in Madrid; in Álava it is won for the first time, in Bizkaia as usual and in Gipuzkoa…
And yet, in his view, when the Jeltzales appeared in the press on the election night, the words said one thing, and the faces were something else. The words were the luckiest, but the faces didn't reflect that much joy. “Are you so used to winning, or were you worried about something else?” is the question you ask. The answer to that position has been that it is taken for granted that Sánchez is going to agree with Citizens in the Congress of Deputies. In other words, the paradox that these elections have brought them is that in Madrid they will have less to talk about the best results in history if Sánchez and Albert Rivera agree.
Until after the municipal and foral elections we will not know what covenants will be held in Madrid, and during that time everything will be the plant, the form and ink of cannabis, but on Sunday night Sánchez announced that it does not
close the door to
It may be thought that it is certain that until after the forals and the municipal elections we will not know what covenants are going to be held in Madrid, and meanwhile, everything will be in form, form and ink of cannabis, but yesterday Sánchez announced that it does not close the door to anyone, unless they screamed “with Rivera” before a lot of enthusiastic followers. Many wise Tertullians from Spain also spoke yesterday in favour of the PSOE-Citizens pact, and it is very likely that it will be what the money wants to continue with the reform of pensions and the rest of the neoliberal economic programme, that the role of the PSOE will be to curb and crush these reforms a little. This was one of the three scenarios foreseen also in the pre-election analyses of EH-Bildu.
Another paradox: Perhaps Rivera’s ambition is the one that can hinder that pact, if he estimates that moving on to the opposition can win the elections within four years after the PSOE is worn down. The polarized environment experienced in society may invite it to do so. It does not take what is offered to it today, in the hope that in four years' time it will take everything. The usual dilemma, the need to choose between the available good and the possible good.
In Navarre, EH-Bildu is about to take Bel Pozueta to Madrid, in the absence of some four hundred votes for the investiture of Patxi López. Koldo Martínez de Geroa Bai is more or less on par with Vox. The “calls for reflection” are already useless, because it is clear that the political elites do not take into account the feeling of the street. We only have to pray that those who say that there is a different way of voting in local and municipal elections will be right.
The time has come for us to enrol in schools in the Basque Country for the 2025-26 academic year, and in many homes the youngest of the household will take a new step soon, in September, which is schooling. Proud of the Basque Public School The members of Topagune are firmly... [+]
Since the adoption of the new Education Law for Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, we are hearing/reading again and again that education will be free from now on. We have listened to different actors, including the Department of Education, and in the interviews we offer to the media,... [+]
At the beginning of the month he did III. Congress in Pamplona. It is said to be the “ordinary congress” that serves to draw “non-ordinary conclusions”, or at least that is how they have received Zutunik in the paper, proposed by the leadership and unanimously approved... [+]
Urtarrila amaieran ezarri zieten 5.000 euroko isuna ordaintzen laguntzeko txartelak jarri dituzte Herria, Marruma eta Platero tabernetan.
"Konfiantza eta gertutasuna" oinarri izango duen Udaltzaingo eredua nahi dute Zumaia, Getaria eta Azpeitiko udalek. Horretarako, udalerri horiek ondo ezagutuko dituzten bost udaltzain kontratatuko dituzte elkarrekin eta hautagaiei B2 euskara maila ere eskatuko diete.
49 urte preso pasa ondoren, libre utzi dute Leonard Peltier AEBetako ekintzaile autoktonoa. Otsailaren 18 honetan heldu da bere senide eta lagunen artera 80 urte dituen preso-ohia.