The G7 and its world on the street!
Jakes Bortayrou 2019ko apirilaren 30

The G7 will meet in Biarritz, therefore, in the Basque Country, on 24, 25 and 26 August. In a people that is still politically denied, divided and claiming its sovereignty. Resistance to the system in a territory where solidarity survives and experiences abound to generate alternatives.

For the people of Biarritz, the G7 is a good option for some sections of society and elected representatives of Iparralde, both in economic and advertising terms. How do you rejoice at the arrival of the lords? How do you applaud this event that is becoming a Macron communication operation? Or the visit of a crazy leader like Trump, who denies climate change, who develops a racist discourse, promotes trade war and stimulates international tensions? What this summit will bring above all is appearing week by week, according to information about the organisation: situation of militarization and site, risk of police violence, limitation of the influx of citizens, temporary restriction of rights, right to demonstrate, among others.

35 popular movements, unions and leftist parties from all over Euskal Herria NO G7! have formed
a platform and have started working to make the arrival of the
G7 an opportunity to reclaim and demonstrate the urgency
of another world in the
Basque Country

The G7 historically brings together the peoples that are the backbone of imperialism. It's a closed, exclusive group. It was designed informally to influence the global agenda, but from the outset it has been designed to safeguard and protect the interests of the dominant and multinational classes. This summit inevitably calls upon us beyond the local political agenda, as citizens, as leftists, as Abertzales, as ecologists, as anti-capitalist ... There is no doubt that lifting the balance against the major world leaders will be as fair as necessary, seeing the increase in injustices, international tensions and serious environmental challenges. One of the main functions of civil society is to make the voice of the people heard to denounce what governments, even if they choose through the ballot box, do or do not do wrong, what they should do.

35 popular movements, unions and leftist parties from all over Euskal Herria NO G7! They have formed a platform and have begun to work to make the arrival of the G7 an opportunity to reclaim and show the need for another world in Euskal Herria, in collaboration with other international actors. Denounce the policies of these states and demand immediate measures in different areas: social inequalities, climate change, ecological problems, tax havens or policies against migrants. And beyond capitalism, to reclaim other logics, priorities and alternatives and to defend the right of peoples to self-determination.