Maialen Lujanbio has stated that Euskera has to move from an application to an application for its integration into the Operating System. All right! If the need of the Basque Country is limited to the peripheral elements of society, in the medium and long term we are faced with a holiday situation.
What is the pillar of our system? Certainly, the economy. This marks our living conditions at the professional level and in an educational system oriented towards it. Also in the private sphere, as a consumer. We have a level of well-being, rich or poor, depending on Education and Tripartite Consumption, on which we are assigned a low or high social status.
Ethical, philanthropic and similar values are not at the heart of the world we live in. Despite all these qualities, the poor is not who in our society does not influence them.
That is why, for the Basque country to be able to live healthy and for a long time, there are only two options. One, the introduction of the Basque Country into the economy, which is the altar of our system. The other is utopia, that is, to transform the current global system and to develop a new world of very different values where, among other things, all languages would reach the same level.
Without giving up utopia and until steps are taken behind it, we must address in the short term the approach we have at our disposal: to integrate the Basque Country into the OS. In this way, moreover, we would put a certain brake on the all-embracing trend towards the equality of globalisation; at least we would be a little hindering this dynamics of our own.
The key that is often mentioned for this is the working world. That Euskera should be brought to jobs and that, in this way, workers should know Euskera. All right, but language profiling has long been implemented in the public administration, and this measure has not automatically been widely used.
Following the logic of the economy, only when it is useful for the business will the Basque be made room. Why and why confuse Euskera in finance, in companies, in services, etc., if no money is provided? To add superfluous expenditure to market precariousness? It is essential to have some competitive advantage.
At this point, we ourselves, as consumers, workers, trade unionists or customers, have something to say. In addition to the powers establishing favorable measures, the demand of the Basque Country must be made by the community; only then will the Basque Country be profitable; only then will it reach the OS.