Two burned houses were demolished during the Carlists Wars and a plaza of about 70 meters was reformed. In fact, the main reason was that on the days of the fair there was no room for as many animals as you would like. But, in turn, the renovated area would from then on allow, in the bounce, the long-distance ball game. Almost a century and a half later, the remodeling works of the Rebote Square have ended right now.
The bounce is one of the oldest ball games, its origin is older than the variants that use the frontis. But the other modalities are much more widespread today. This is due, among other things, to the need for such a long playing field; in Iparralde there is a little more bounce, but in Hegoalde there are very few. And furthermore, the rules of the game are not unintelligible and, therefore, it takes time to internalize and enjoy the bounce.
And yet, the Plaza de Villabona has maintained that sport. In addition to the length of the plaza, it also had to see Teodoro Hernandorena (1898-1994). The dentist, politician and cultural promoter Zizurkildarra worked in many areas. He created dance and mountain groups, also an agrarian syndicate, promoted journalism in Euskera, at the I International Congress of Journalism in Euskal Herria. He was one of the organizers of the Bertsolaris Championship… – all the events of Hernando are recorded in the extensive biography published by Xabier Lasa in 2008. But the bounce was always one of his favorites, as, in his opinion, it was the road to the Basque country.
In 1932 he wrote and published the first regulations of the bounce game, in Basque simple and didactic. Among other things, he picked up that the bounce counts for five minutes and for games (15,30, 40 and game) as in most games of long run ball, that is, as in tennis. On the other hand, tennis shows the points as in the bounce, since before the tennis was formed the kiosk was counted in Euskal Herria.
In addition to the theory, Hernandorena also promoted the rebound in practice. In 1930 he organized a bounce party in the plaza between the pelotaris of Villabona and Hazparne. Since then, each year, the party is organized at local parties and the next day of San Ignacio is disputed for 90 times the mourning between the two peoples in the renovated bounce square.
15 urteko emakume bati egin dio eraso Izarra klubean jarduten zuen pilota entrenatzaile batek.
Iñigo Cabacas Herri Harmaila taldea eta Athleticen arteko harremana nahaspilatuta dago azkenaldian. Iñigo Cabacas Herri Harmailako Iñigorekin hitz egiteko aukera izan dugu astelehenean.
The achievement of the Euskadi Selection has undoubtedly been a historic achievement. But if you stick to that, for many Basques – I too, because I am Navarro – it will be the darkest and saddest day. After enjoying the joy and warmth of the first few days, let's go back to... [+]
After so many years of struggle for it, 34 years, precisely, we are very pleased with the decision taken a few days ago, on 28 December, Innocent Day, in Pamplona, at the assembly organized by the International Federation of Basque Ball. Well, from now on we will have the... [+]