The group of people presenting to the municipal elections in May has been renovated by EH Bildu in the Valley of Trapagan. In this way, the left Abertzale option is more joyful, diverse, broad and strong with fresh air in our town.
Ten years ago, the Abertzale left was defended in its smallest nucleus after being prosecuted for unlawful acts. In this situation, some of the young people who were in the Gaztetxe, in the neighborhood movement or in the Basque Country were offered the possibility to participate in it and with the impulse of the former, we began to transform the dynamics of the Abertzale left.
The goal was to create a real leftist movement that was effective in the people. We knew that historically socialism had a profound roots in our country and that the PSOE, without a country project, had abandoned all social values long ago. Therefore, it was possible to expand it among the neighbors with a social perspective. To do so, we focus our activity at the local level. We left the repressive dynamic in the background and began to respond to the problems of the people.
We looked for friends in the neighborhoods and in the
streets, we knew the town better and we learned to love more. We accept different levels of commitment, extending the possibility of participating to everyone in whatever way they want or can.
We got out of the catacombs and we started to open the movement. We looked for friends in the neighborhoods and in the streets, we knew the town better and we learned to love more. We accept different levels of commitment, giving everyone the opportunity to participate in whatever way they want or can.
At the same time Bildu arrived, the situation of more new people without armed struggle allowed us to delve deeper into our path. We entered the City Hall and further developed our gaze towards our people. So now we have a village project for Trapagaran. We have proposals from a social point of view to respond to most of our vital needs and we are much stronger.
In a decade, the basis of the Abertzale movement has changed and has been greatly renewed in our people. Today we are not characterised by Ikurrina, the right to decide, independence or socialism. Now, the management of school canteens, gender equality, family education, inclusive urbanism, the maintenance of life in the neighborhoods, the breathing of the Basque country or the survival of local trade are our axes.
In the future, we want to deepen cooperation with all sectors of the Left and we have hope in youth, because we see that it is the most prepared sector to carry out the changes that planteamos.Por so, we go with optimism and
illusion to the municipal elections. Patriot, for us.
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