Collision against purple bleaching
Haizea Nuñez Palacio @haizea_nunez 2019ko apirilaren 10

On February 2, 2018, the kazkaba through the streets of Donostia-San Sebastián with a loud noise. The Euskal Herria Feminist Movement calls for a feminist strike on March 8. This was a recognition of the struggle of the cigarreros of Tabakalera: dozens of women*, witnesses of the media, occupied the public space and, immediately, with the aim of curbing the careless, the security officers of the international center of contemporary culture and some responsible for the unauthorized plaza approached the area. However, they did not manage to curb that collective force, nor to silence what we had to say with our own voice. From a strategic point of our feminist genealogical, in action of collective self-esteem, we manifest our intention to strike in tasks of care, employment, school environment and consumption. Last year, we stood up and made history.

On January 16, 2019 we are spring winter and, contrary to contradictions, we celebrate it hugged by the sun at the door of the Shock Feminist Pole of Vitoria-Gasteiz. Literally, there were those who are going to publicly announce that we stand before a heteropatriarchate capitalist and want to continue to take advantage of the system that oppresses us. Before going to the press, with the complicity of the Municipal Police of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Iberdrola cut the light to the complicity of women*, ranchers and trans, two months before and to the feminist space liberated for communist use.

Since then and until the day of the feminist strike, political and employer representatives have struggled to obtain the largest number of purple dots. Without responding to the political, social and economic demands we have made to put an end to privileges and to work on the path of the liberation of all oppressions, abandoning our program in intimacy and selectively ordering the doses of repression: eviction of the shock, arrests, blows, access to portals and more than sixty identifications.

This year we held a feminist strike with the aim of achieving twenty-eight measures. Feminists know where we're coming from and where we're going. In the coming months we will dare to play our role: hitting the purple bleaching, getting the material conditions to put lives in the centre, organizing the feminist self-defense against the right-wing offensive, with the popular construction from the bottom up, and knowing that if we do not do all of the above will be in vain, voting responsibly.