Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"The radical Muslim is a humble person, not the one who kills the innocent."

  • As he read and learned about Islam, Amanda Figueras moved closer to faith. From a moment on, he practiced his religion, with no family history, in Madrid. Since then, it has been working against Islamophobia, with the aim of breaking religious taboos. Her process is characterised by being a white woman in Europe, and she speaks from that watchtower.
“Islamean pentsatzen dugunean bizar luzea duen arabiar batengan eta beloa daraman emakume batengan pentsatzen dugu, baina musulman mota asko dago, eta gainera gehienak ez dira arabiarrak“ (Argazkia: Josu Santesteban)

You were unfaithful, and you approached the Ismal by yourself. What drew you up?

Many things, but above all the importance of family ties and the role of women in Islam. I had no idea.

What is that role?

I didn't know that women had been so important in Islam. For example, the first person to do with Islam was the woman, who took care of the Qur’an for a long time or who transmitted the words of the prophet the most. Thanks to him we know many things that serve as a model.

Are Islam and feminism compatible?

I'm in the process of questioning a lot of things about feminism, especially in terms of vocabulary. Generally, I don't feel challenged or protected by the hegemonic feminist movement, and it hurts me. It seems that the only way to be free is what they want: to be an atheist, to be non-religious.

When we talk about the Muslim woman, the veil appears constantly and there is usually talk of prohibition or imposition.

I believe that the debate must be overcome, because it does not bring much. I, of course, defend women’s freedom, also when deciding how to dress her and how to present her in public. I am against coercion and prohibition. Coercion should be illegal, and it is also contrary to Islam, since Islam cannot oblige anyone to do anything they do not want to do.

But it's granted.

Photo: Josu Santesteban

It is clear that many Muslim women suffer from serious injustice. But it's not just Muslim women, it's all Muslim women to one degree or another. Those of us who have decided to wear the veil freely have regarded us as accomplices to totalitarian regimes, which oblige some to wear the veil. They told me that I should take it away, in solidarity with those who have to take it. Your request is Islamophobic, as well as unfair. Don't hold me accountable for what I haven't done.

What obstacles have you experienced in the process of appropriating Islam?

First, I had to overcome the internal difficulties. I thought, "How am I going to go, Muslim? Do you like to get out of juerga?” Then the problems began to manifest themselves publicly as a Muslim: suddenly, I was not a full Spanish citizen; I had read myself as a Muslim, as if my only identity were Muslim. The stereotypes applied to minority groups such as immigrants were applied to me. At the same time, it was a learning process: I've seen how minorities are treated. It has been sad to say that we are racists, clergymen, and that there is a great Islamophobia.

Why is this stigma given?

There are many things, from historical explanations to ignorance. I always say that you have to know Islam. Islam, and not so much what Muslims do, because it doesn't always go the same way. You cannot reduce a population that has millions of members to which some countries or people are making. Islam is plural, heterogeneous, highly sensitive. When we think about Islam, we think of an Arab with a long beard and a veiled woman, but there are many kinds of Muslims, and also most of them are not Arabs.

The dictionary is also often a source of stigma.

There has been a polio for lack of knowledge and also in an interested way. Some of our terms are used as appropriate, they change meaning. For example, when you say “radical Islam”, you imply that Islam itself is dangerous or violent. Islam is not violent, and those who say they are Muslims and use violence are not radical, but diverted. The radical Muslim would be a very good person, who always forgives, who puts others before oneself. He is a humble person the radical Muslim who kills not the innocent.

You have denounced that they have no voice.

Muslim women only call us to talk about our clothing and terrorism. The problem is that they do not call us to speak of the independence of Catalonia, of elections or of public education. We are not considered to be full citizens, the only thing you see is our Muslim identity.

“Madrilenian and Muslim?” How many times have you been asked this question?

People don't understand how I can be Western and Muslim. For centuries, the Muslim culture was the main and successful of the Iberian Peninsula. I am often considered Moroccan and it does not hurt me, because I love Morocco. The fact is that they, taking me as a Moroccan, put me as a dependent person, without studies, submissive, poor.

From prejudice to faith
“I was born in Catalonia in 1978, but we moved to Madrid at eight months. I studied journalism there and in Lisbon, and I've worked in El Mundo and in various media. At one point, I started learning and reading about Islam, and I saw that what I knew before was false, that my knowledge was based on prejudices and topics. After a long process of learning and thinking, I decided that I liked it and that I wanted to live that way. I am currently a fellow of the UN Alliance of Civilizations program and a member of the Abraham Forum for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue. I have written the book “Why Islam: My Life as a Woman, European and Muslim”


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