Tourism, that massive but unbearable luxury of millions of rich mundane
In 2018, 1.4 billion cross-border trips were counted in the world, demonstrating the democratization of what was a luxury 50 years ago. “Democratize,” he says. One in every fifteen inhabitants of planet Earth can visit the other fourteen, but they can't go to their homeland -- unless they smell on vacation. The distribution of the cost benefits of rest journeys has the same measure of injustice: tourism increases inequalities between people.
Ikuskizuna Balin: lekuko dantzariak mundu osotik heldu turistei ‘suaren dantza’ antzezten.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
International tourism has a very promising future”, “In 2018 tourism has beaten records”, “Tourism has grown more than the average of the world economy”...To a citizen who has become accustomed to taking a plane not once a year, but two or three times a year, these messages arrive without interruption, also disseminated by the World Tourism Organization itself. Everything is going well in the field of leisure travel, unless we are a little concerned about the impact it may have on climate change; but billions of journeys have begun to talk about sustainable travel, ethical tourism and stories to alleviate the burden of awareness generated by the ecological footprint.
A much more critical assessment has been made in the ambitious study La domination touristique (The dominant tourism). Under the coordination of Bernard Duterme, economists, sociologists anthropologists and tourism experts from all over the world, including those from the Poor South, have completed the general mapping of this massive phenomenon, the result of which can be summarized in: “What looks like a panacea fundamentally increases inequality.”
The beginning of tourism corresponds to the socialdemocracy of the twentieth century, based on the achievements of the workers’ struggles, the paid holiday period, economic growth, the improvement of life, leisure time, consumerism and the society of the show. Also the development of technologies, the acceleration of communications and the reduction of distances between locations. Liberalisation of air traffic and economic relations would soon come. And social tourism created to facilitate the leisure and empowerment of working people, often driven by trade unions and worker associations, would become massive and low cost, a solid business activity, with strong competition and very aggressive.
Other trips, visits or leisure tours have been differentiated and have focused on international tourism in the study La domination touristique. Of course, not all tourists do tourism in the same way, but Dutern sees everyone involved in the same scheme: “It responds to the massification of tourists by stratifying the ways of travel: who is supposed to be a good tourist wants to escape the evil in one way or another (‘they behave like a flock’, ‘those who are putting the mud in the sun’…). The rich loves escapades and tranquillity; the desires for wealth, the crowds and the usual holidays. It attaches importance to social, landscape or linguistic riches; this is to fun, topics and advantages.” That is, we all use the same phenomenon that tourism is, highlighting with our behaviors the characteristics of the social class itself.
Everyone wants to be receptors to tourism, town, region or nation, as an economic activity productiva.Pero, how to show the face in this competitive market, how to be more attractive? The standard meter is set in the Economic Forum of Davos: The Competitiveness Index for Travel and Tourism (Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index), the recommendations of which are followed by most of the authorities on the planet, i.e. that each site has at its disposal air transport, tourism infrastructures, international access facilities, the level of information and technological communications, security and health services, price competitiveness, enterprises and labour... “In short, the tourism market also encourages rebates in social, tax and environmental standards in all countries.”
A group of tourists is located in Eagle-Pichu, Peru.
Asymmetric Traffic Limits
Is it suitable for tourism everywhere in the world? Yes and no. Yes, because every corner of the planet wants to participate in this economic activity that, as everyone says, is the bargain. And no, because not all places have the same capacity of attraction in terms of the landscape, heritage or social riches that tourism seeks with eagerness. For example, the tourist destinations in Guatemala are outside the catalogues that attract remote travellers, the regions where the indigenous population does not wear traditional and spectacular costumes.
“Tourism – writes Sylvie Brunel, a geographer and economist – creates a false authenticity. The ordinary foreigner prefers the idealized image of the indigenous, the authenticity represented, which is the result of the process of constructing the image of the distant in his imagination - the simplified, crushed and folklorized image of the indigenous that he will find in the place - and otherwise he does not pay attention to it.”
But in addition, the environmental balance of the flood of tourists is very bad. If everything that industry wants were democratized, the Earth would far outweigh the ability to withstand the planet.
Firstly, because more and more shipments are made by plane. Although not mentioned in climate greenwashing operations, one tenth or more of CO2 emissions are aircraft. But tourism also leaves a very important mark on many other aspects: there is a great waste of water (golf courses in dry areas, artificial snow per canyon...), artificialization of the soil of the fields and fields that agriculture needs, destruction of natural spaces, deterioration of the shores of the sea, ingestionable waste mountains...
And all to satisfy the leisure of less than 500 million people a year. In other words, so that one in fifteen mundane can see the other fourteen closely. Because the opposite will not happen. A European who earns quite well can stand in Chad or in Nigeria, but a poor citizen here ...
“The flows of tourism – says Duterm- faithfully reflect the organization of the world and its differences: at the borders are crossed the permitted and prohibited migrations, with the doors open for some, wire reaching for others. As if the driving force behind the universal declaration of human rights were really La Fontaine's story: ‘Depending on whether you’re powerful or miserable, customs will either make you citizens of the world or condemn you to live in detention at home.’
Duterme is asked if the new travel styles solve something: ecotourism, solidarity tourism, alternative, responsible, etc. “There can be no sustainable tourism if the consequences of liberalization, deregulation, the sale of places and ways of life, the folklorization of the local population, the theft of spaces and fundamental resources for citizenship are not put into question.”
Tourists in the Tikal of Guatemala. (Photo: Dream Big, Travel Far
Ilbeltzeko igande goiz batez jo dugu Baztanera. Eguzkiak oraindik ez du Lekarozko plaza argitu; bertan elkartu gara Garbiñe Elizegi Narbarte, Itziar Torres Letona eta Ernesto Prat Urzainkirekin. Itzaletan hotz egiten du eta umorez goxatu dugu lehen agurra, hogei urtean... [+]
The new plan proposes the separation of the valley of Baztan in the four historical zones. It will also be responsible for the regulation of the opening of new tourist accommodation, which will depend on the urban sustainability indicators defined.
In the last ten years, the increase in CO2 emissions from tourism has been twice as high as that of the economy general.Se is about the results of a study by the scientific journal Nature Communications, published on 10 December.
The City of Bilbao will not grant new licenses as long as the urban plan regulates the figure of tourist homes. The government team of Juan Mari Aburto has decided to act "cautiously", but has given a maximum period of one year to this ban.
October against Turistification was rounded off last Sunday with a multitudinous demonstration in favor of the tourist growth of the Bizilagunak platform, but the debate on turistification is still alive in the city. In particular, they have contacted the tourism of... [+]
Convened by the Bizilagunak platform, hundreds of people have called for the city model to be transformed and the living conditions of citizens to be put at the centre. They denounce the scarcity and increased housing and the attitude of the Donostia City Council to this... [+]
Around 25,000 inhabitants of the islands mobilized on 20 October to protest the "abuse" of tourism, overcrowding and the housing market. The inhabitants of the area have denounced that passenger cars are expelled from their towns and villages, they have denounced.
The Atacama Desert Foundation has denounced on social networks the destruction of the geoglyphs of the area and, through several photographs, has shown the destruction that visitors who travel in 4x4 vehicles to the desert are causing. These are large geoglyphs made between 1000... [+]
Groups EH Bildu, PSN, Geroa Bai and Zurekin have agreed a bill to prevent further licensing of tourist housing in the Old Town of Pamplona. The agreement focuses on a “preventive” “urban change” based on three objectives: maintaining the neighborhood’s life model,... [+]
In this article, on the basis of the results of the last regional elections and the European Parliament, we will analyze how the vote of the extreme right has risen in the Catalan countries that have the most tourist pressure.
Close the computer, put on chanclets, stroke with the sun cream. Where are you going on holiday? We've normalized that vacation is going somewhere, because rest needs distance, we say. And when we make the journey, we will become tourists, even if the change of denomination... [+]
The pintxos of many bars in the Old Part of Donostiarra come to serve in a van with permission to access the old part of Donostia. In the other bars, to eat the potato tortilla pintxo they prepare, you have to queue and take the turn when the morning van enters the old town. A... [+]
Eguneraketa berriak daude - Mastodonen partekatzea
OHARRA: Aukera hau hautatuz gero hurrengo aldietan ez dizu galdetuko ze instantzia erabili nahi duzun.