The French Ministry of Culture will test the Pass Culture device in five departments: It is aimed at 10,000 people aged 18, and has a virtual endowment of 500 euros each, which can use for a year, consume culture and through an application in exhibitions, cinema tickets, books and records, courses. It will serve to know the cultural practices, to discover and decide what is wanted, but always after knowing it. Because it's easy to despise if you don't know it, and on the other hand it's hard to reach it when it comes to a den or a stranger.
In particular, it is a road to French culture. The services of Amazon, Netflix, Spotify or Deezer will not be included in the device and, unfortunately, we do not know whether the Pass will serve in the case of the cultural productions of the peoples, nor whether they will be extended and generalized in the future, as our would include? I mean, the spectacular Kalaportu, the movie Oreina, the book Aztihitza, the latest album by Izaki Gardenak would make them more affordable? Would I give you the opportunity to meet a concert in Bagad, some breton classes or the natural wealth of Armorika? Certainly for the approval of the sponsoring organizers.
It is a pity that no similar mechanism has been created here to learn about Basque culture. I know that in the south there have been some kind of “cultural bonus” and similar. But all around me, there's nothing like that.
Of course, in 18 years most of our young people have an effort to go to something “Basque”, except for anything: we have been bored with militancy, with talo shift, to do in Basque, we have dedicated dance, to the ball and to the spectacular figures of Pirritx and Porrotx for years – always thanks to the forces of the grandparents and the Moltseis –. The point of revelation is normal. At the same time, it is a critical age, to establish identity, since in the following years it sees itself or not as Basques.
Likewise, in the case of people who come from outside or who have spent the years here but know nothing about the Basque culture, it would be unbeatable to offer them the opportunity to know the initiatives throughout our year, to our creators, our customs.
I know from experience that we are green in cultural transmission. To start with my teaching experiences, I know that in the transmission of the language we are barely there, in the cultural content we have much to improve. In fact, it's not surprising not to meet a single singer, other than Mikel Laboa, who doesn't know the name of three mountains, who doesn't know what the writers here are talking about.
It is essential for the future that Basque productions be accessible. If you have to give a fortune, let it be, and let them choose what to discover, decide what is beautiful, what is interesting, to enter the sauce they want, but always knowing it. Knowing it: that's the problem.
It would be a strong initiative of local policy, a real commitment, the promotion of local creations, the opening of that path to our young people, students, citizens, outside the acts of Scène Nationale and the conferences of Frédéric Beigbeder.
We could call it the Culture Catwalk.
Pass, better than a bonus, a card, because they have the sense of simplified access. Go in and take it. And part. The catwalk can reach somewhere and integrate. A narrow path on the water to come, meet, love. We would not then be a deserted and isolated island, but we would be in the strait of arriving and, if you like, reaching until knowledge of our culture is once and for all recognised as a fundamental right.
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