Self-regulation and directives are the two main paradigms that exist to preserve childhood and understand education. The two concepts are known especially with regard to education, but they can also be understood as ways of life, since education is not a technique that we select to adequately educate children, but a relationship that we have adults to relate to children. I imagine education as a synonym of living, in the sense of the influence of our way of living on the children of our environment. Nothing more than that, but all that as well.
Because we are a species that grows and lives in relation, it is very necessary to reflect on the nature of this relationship, as it is the most determinant variable in the configuration of our being and has a direct impact on the quality of life. In childhood, we developed in close relationship with some adults. And also in adulthood, most of life's agrisweets are produced in the network of interpersonal relationships.
The legitimacy and quality of a relationship depend on a single quality: that the freedom of those who participate is respected. Let each be free to be as he is, to freely manage his sphere of reality, to be the only master in that free territory, which is only his dominion. Relations under these principles are not common, as they are conditioned by the fact that they are composed of independent people and by the absence of free people. To be free, it is necessary to closely protect the sacred domain of freedom and strictly maintain the close connection with ourselves. Because if we identify an attack on our being, we need to know who we are and how we are, to detect the manipulation that our modeling is looking for, or the slightest hint of an oppressive driver who wants to put us above us.
The first step is for someone to be aware that they have been assaulted. And the second, gather all the forces enough to defend themselves. Healthy organisms have this defense mechanism very active. Because they're alive and while they're alive, because they're alive. Young children, for example, show great dignity in defending their rights by law. But this natural force is extinguished, especially in very managerial ecosystems that seek to bend the will of children. They give up because they feel that it is impossible for them to enforce fundamental rights despite all the forces at their disposal. This is the decision that derives characteristic despair. Loss of confidence in one's own strength, in the dominion of life.
From there, he will focus all his attention on the dominator. Because, recognizing the power it has on him, he recognizes that he has the key to liberation and considers that he has no strategy but to influence him in that situation. Thus, he will become one: or obedient, in the hope that he will achieve mercy with his enjoyment. Or, two: it will react against the injustices that are committed to it, but without realizing that it is acting in a mere reaction and that it does not cease to be the puppet of the dominator, because through provocations you can also mark the life policy of what we want to master. They are no longer capable of self-government, or what is the same in the case of the peoples subjected to it, of exercising self-determination. One of them I know closely, has even come to ask a question that wants or needs freedom. And ask for permission. Imagine.
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