The folds of democracy
Karmelo Landa 2019ko urtarrilaren 29a

In Catalonia, Spanish democracy is doubled. The Socialist Miquel Iceta spoke in Barcelona and said that Catalonia is interested in Spain as progressive, as democratic and as pluralistic as possible. At the same time, since the presidency of Extremadura, the socialist Fernández Vara has talked about the fact that in Catalonia we must immediately apply 155 and change TV3 hand in hand for the benefit of Spanish democracy. Those married, when they are both socialists in Spain.

Someone will argue, in these cases, that everyone represents their territory, not their party. I therefore consider as a third example a “non-nationalist” socialist, who is situated au-dessus de la mêlée – beyond the territorial confusions within the State. A passionate Europe, which lives by looking at internationalisation, the Spaniards also set it as an example in the presidency of the European Parliament. Borrell: has commanded all Spanish ambassadors in the world to pursue President Quim Torra of Catalonia, who appears everywhere. Here's how far the fold extends.

Take account, because now comes the budgets of Spain. They will tell you that it's better to support their budgets because otherwise others will come to government. You will be told this and the other, but in the meantime you will see the Catalan political representatives, who are in jail or abroad before being tried, before the Spanish special courts, and you will see the prosecutor, representative of the socialist government, proposing serious prison sentences. Negotiated, etc.

Then they will tell you that, for all that the Catalan people have fought, they have achieved nothing and that every attempt is useless, except what is done under the Spanish laws, under the laws.

For all of this reasoning to be heard clearly, they have powerful media, and in one of them they will take the interview of a Catalan prisoner, who was held in the prison announcer (woe, those loures!). And the journalist, without shame, asks him how he can endure the long incarceration when he can't be with his two young children, and then the coveted headline steals him, insistently: the unilateral path goes nowhere.

It is an involution in the Spanish state, where all the ends of the right of the Abertzale left converge. But if analyzed correctly, it is the involution that adapts to the very structure of Spain.

The Spanish democracy has been in a situation of pure fallacy. It does not accept the nations that are trapped inside the state and does not allow the nations to embark on any path of their own. In the structure of Spain, a certain length of the nations requires total denial of the nations. It is an insurmountable contradiction, unless nations take their own path, an independent decision. That's what they're working on in Catalonia.

Involution occurs in the state, in which all the ends of the right on the left converge. But, if analyzed correctly, it is involution that adapts to the very structure of Spain, if a nation, or a social class, or a strong collective, embarks on the path of democracy. The Spanish state is designed for involution from its origins, either through war, or through repression or corruption. The Left, when it joins the structure of Spain, is an absurd, a contradiction in the same terms, and will soon be equated with the Right or fragmented and melted.

The Spanish socialist Miquel Iceta is therefore wrong in Catalonia, because the democratic and progressive future of Spain cannot be found in Spain, but in Catalonia. Democracy will be known at the end of the processes in Catalonia, the Basque Country and Galicia. Because Spain doubles democracy, democracy can deny Spain itself.