The protagonist of this book, as indicated in his title, has two bears. One big and one small. And that's exactly what the story is about. “Being a bear has great advantages, and being two… much more!” The reader will then see our protagonist wearing a hat on the bear doll and how the big bear puts a hat on the page next to him.
“My two bears come with me everywhere,” the protagonist tells us, so we can see him walking through the snow, playing, fishing in the icy river, knowing the animals of the forest and doing a thousand more things with his two bears.
Margarita del Mazo offers us a simple and moving story, an integrated day-to-day story, a story of friends that together, helping, protecting. And Rocío Bonilla's hand explains the tone of the illustration that corresponds to the story. Pastel colors, many details, the whiteness of the outside cold and the vitality of animals and small plants appear in realistic, smooth and suggestive images.
We don't know what the protagonist's name is, nor do we need it, because we only pick up his point of view in history. What she thinks, what she feels, along with her small, big friend. Along with the security of Handia's strength, we can see the possibility of small friends approaching something small. And how our protagonist receives the support of the girl in a much sweeter and broader way from the giant bear.
This book could be a message in favor of friendship, but as the reader will see at the end – what is suggested in the entire book – it is a matter of affection, of love, the theme of this book. How she protects her parents, how she takes care of them, how she helps her daughter. As the bear father or the bear mother would take care of her child, as our protagonist loves her bear. In the end, returning to the initial idea, as the author says: “It’s good to have a bear; besides, I have two and that’s much better”; or as we would say, it’s good to read only the book, better together with a friend. And if that's your great bear, it's much better.
Ihes plana
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