Gemstone Ordago
Iñaki Martinez De Luna @imartinezdeluna 2018ko abenduaren 18a

We have beautiful jewelry in the Basque community. More than is believed, but generally limited knowledge and use.

Proof of this is, for example, the Top Ten of Sociolinguistics to which Txerra Rodríguez has referred from time to time. In his own words, the list of 10 websites that a socio-linguistic (Euskal) cannot miss. Or what that same friend mentions in his article 10 good products published a month ago in the blog Garaigoikoa. Another example of these beautiful jewels is the Booktegi website, which is listed under the subtitle Books of all. Interesting. Although they are not enough, there
are many other good examples, but... There's always one.

I remember I used to ask the students who had just started college if they knew the Euskalbar app, because in their jobs it could be a perfect cane. To my astonishment, every year the "no" was imposed, as well as many things.

In "Euskaraldia", we've driven oral use. It's time to address other activations. Among others, the dissemination and use of products and services in Basque

The diagnosis was clear at the time and remains the same: knowledge of many useful products and services is limited. Although it can be very useful and useful, most potential users do not know the options available. How do we respond in Basque to the challenges we have in our daily lives, if the innovative equipment or tools that can help us overcome them are in Basque but we only know them in other languages?

In fact, the supply of products in Euskera is dispersed, almost lost in the bowels of the gigantic Spanish-language offering. There is still no reference space to help us make these jewelry known and look for, and we can't keep it hidden for longer. In order for the Basques to appear faint and attractive in the language market, we have to put our jewelry out of sight, because if they are not very visible we will not take advantage of them.

Just as the Basques need to strengthen ties between us, we also need to meet around the products in Euskera. To start down this road, we need a directory or index that systematically gathers all the handles (products and services) in Basque, where it would be easy to know the offer and the possibilities. In Euskaraldia, we have promoted oral use. It's time to address other activations. Among others, the dissemination and use of products and services in Basque. The time has come to play the ORDAGO: Who will be responsible for setting up such a service?