0.97 seconds
Jakoba Errekondo 2018ko azaroaren 30a

On the hill that dominates our house, the farmhouse Aitzondo has ample forests. In the trees a plantation stands out, especially now in autumn. When a tortuous storm is reached by the sea and the hill descends, the ends of these cutting trees appear among the rubble. The tulip that we brought from America is no longer old, and there it is called the tulip of Virginia, the tulip of Liriodendron.

The tulip is a tree that attracts attention. We turn to the name. The genus Liriodendron was completed with two words taken from the Greek: leirion (lily) and dendron (tree). Tree that gives lilies. The last name that defines the species, the tulipid, binds two words, the name Tulipa, which indicates the gender of the ox hearts, and the final -fer, which means “create” or “have on it”. In fact, the most curious feature of this tree is that it's given a considerable amount of flowers, which in shape are similar to ox hearts, but in a much larger size. Both the name and the last name speak of an eye-catching flowering. Although it has an annual show, it's a little short. But more than that is the tulip.

The leaves are also special, they are shaped like a short tip. The leaves usually have a more or less sharp peak at the end of the central vein. The tulip doesn't, as if it had a mockup, has two vertices on both sides of the vein, and if you've never seen it, it'll catch your eye.

The tulip is a big tree. In your natural home, in eastern North America, you can extend up to 60 meters above a trunk of 3 meters in diameter, and if you have peace, you can live about 500 years. He doesn't really like to be carefree, he likes water a lot, but not heavy, drowned lands, it's a rabid sun and he's able to withstand frosts of -30°C.

In the United States, its wood is highly appreciated. Although not long lasting, its use is very wide: moldings, furniture, doors, cupboards, laminated beams fitted, covers, counter-axaflated... Light wood is 449 kg/m3. It is said that every 0.97 seconds a meter of clean, woody wood is generated, as there are so many forests.

In our wet areas, they have been experimenting with it for years. It is not much appreciated for its soft wood, but in the present situation, its future is a spectacle.