All colors of black
  • Chronicle of the Anesthesia and No Regret concert. When: 20 October. Where: Gaztetxe de Vitoria. Upcoming 25-year concerts by Gorrotoaren Ahotsa: On 1 December in Pamplona, 8 December in Durango and 19 January in Biarritz.
Jon Aranburu Artano @jonaranburu 2018ko azaroaren 25
Argazkia: Dos Por Dos.

It is not common for all tickets from a concert to be sold at the Gaztetxe in Vitoria-Gasteiz, let alone a few days before it takes place. There are exceptions: No Regret and anesthesia. And the main culprits, even though No Regret also took the crew, were Zarauztarras. They have not been on the table for 30 years, although they have been silent from time to time, as you know.

30 years making the same music for an audience not accustomed to hard melodies. But I once heard from Anari that all of Madonna's albums became the same, because I hadn't offered him more auditions on the front page, because I wasn't a fan. On the other side is what Mikel Kazalis told me after the concert: some early amateurs found it the second model of Anesthesia, because there were few “tupatupas”, which made too great a change.

The ears are sharpened, and in the work of Anesthesia there are many blacks; hardcore, grindcore, crustcore, trash, metal and many other surnames can be assigned to the Kazseattle-Beloki-Aizpurua base. No white or lightning. Nor is it money laundering in words: the singer Ibon Aizpurua speaks of hatred, anger, pain, aggression, bitterness, nausea and many other non-positive human feelings.

The demonstration of this, in every sense of the word, was what we could see up to Gaztetxe's collado. In just an hour and a half, the Voice of Hatred, the main excuse for this tour, was interpreted in its entirety. And then the next ones: they unraveled the songs of eight records for the enjoyment of the hobby. Drugs and violence, Ultracatology, and Response would scare one. To those who jumped out of the first song in the front lines, we finally met 450 people in a kind of giant pogo.

We noticed the festive atmosphere, the desire to celebrate. And so did Kazalis, over and over again, from the mic. 30 years, 25 of his album, and a feast to celebrate together the anniversaries of Gaztetxe himself, Hala Bedi, Errekaleor and Auzolana Pilotalekua. We welcome it very well.

Those of No Regret went ahead, appealing to the hungry for the second dish that was set in the program. And I think they did. They have two works on the street, and they also play black, with a more metallic touch than Anesthesia, for my imagination, but with the name hardcore abs. Not in vain are the members of the Vitoria Hard Core Crew, which is increasingly bearing fruit.

At the end of the concert, most T-shirts (of all kinds of black) were already soaked. But Hotsak's friends on the Hill made a selection of music that was perfect for the sequence, and the one who wanted to follow there. But I'm not going to tell you.