Between 25 and 27 October the Goikueta de Murgia (Álava) hostel witnessed the first meetings of baserritarras women from Euskal Herria. In the initiative organized by Etxaldeko Emakumeak, the rural and peasant women who approached had the opportunity to get to know each other and start in the network.
Since the founding of the Etxalde movement in 2012, several members of the association saw the need to meet with women. When in 2015 the caravan of the World Women's March passed through Euskal Herria, the Etxaldeko Emakumeak called the baserritarras women to send their seeds. “Then came a lot of seeds from all over Euskal Herria: From Ipar Euskal Herria, from Araba, from Nafarroa… and there we saw that there was really a desire to do something,” says Maritxu Arroyo, a member of Etxaldeko Emakumeak.
Like the seeds they received, women from all over Euskal Herria also arrived at the Uzta Jasoz meetings. Not only from Euskal Herria, but also from the round table on Thursday, for example, several foreign baserritarras women from Vía Campesina participated: They came from Indonesia, Paraguay, Almeria and France. “We share with them our reflections and invite the meetings to incorporate the international perspective.”
During the weekend, the attendees had theoretical and practical workshops on fresh cheeses, pastes or fermented, among others. They also used the quotation to relate the practical teachings with the most theoretical workshops. “We debated the ecological seal, the hygienic-sanitary regulations, the feminist self-defense and conflict management…”, says Arroyo.
To round the weekend, the baserritarras women of the meetings moved from Murgia to Feministon Herria, in Bilbao. They put a seat in Bilbao, with their political and material proposals. Afterwards, they joined a meal with products produced by the baserritarras women in the area and participated in the demonstration. More than 70 women approached the meetings, and all returned home eager and eager to continue organizing.
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Emakume bakoitzaren errelatotik abiatuta, lurrari eta elikadurari buruzko jakituria kolektibizatu eta sukaldeko iruditegia irauli nahi ditu Ziminttere proiektuak, mahai baten bueltan, sukaldean bertan eta elikagaiak eskutan darabiltzaten bitartean.